Ketogenic Diet for Metabolic Syndrome

The ketogenic diet also referred to as the keto diet, is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that has been demonstrated to… Read More

February 27, 2020

Important Facts to Know About Metabolic Syndrome

According to healthcare professionals, metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions or disorders that can increase the risk of developing… Read More

February 26, 2020

Weight Loss Can Reduce Back Pain El Paso, Texas

Industrialization/modernization has impacted our food, the way we eat and our weight. Processed fast food can be purchased pretty much… Read More

February 25, 2020

Understanding Metabolic Syndrome

According to healthcare professionals, metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions or disorders that can increase the risk of developing… Read More

February 25, 2020

Spore-Based Probiotics and The Gut

By consuming spore-based probiotics, the gut can benefit these probiotics since the spore probiotics can aggressively attack the bacterial pathogens… Read More

February 25, 2020

Dr. Alex Jimenez Podcast: Metabolic Syndrome

  Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that can ultimately increase the risk of developing a variety of… Read More

February 21, 2020

Metabolic Syndrome: Home Solutions

Metabolic Syndrome affects many people. In fact, more than a quarter of the United States has it! Read More

February 21, 2020

Vitamin D and The Gut Connection

With new research studies taking a look at how high doses of vitamin D supplementation can help the gut microbiome,… Read More

February 20, 2020

Podcast: Metabolic Syndrome Explained   Metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors that can ultimately increase the risk of developing a variety… Read More

February 19, 2020

Podcast: BIA and Basal Metabolic Rate Explained   Dr. Alex Jimenez and Dr. Mario Ruja discuss basal metabolic rate, BMI, and BIA. Body mass and body… Read More

February 18, 2020