The Best Sneakers For Walking

The perfect pair When walking you need your shoes to handle that repetitive heel-to-toe rolling motion. After all, "a 150-pound… Read More

April 14, 2017

One Run May Add 7 Hours to Your Life, Study Says

This article originally appeared on  Running is a simple and efficient way to exercise: all you need is a… Read More

April 14, 2017

Water Bottles: More Germy Than Toilet Seats?

You may be doing your body good by taking that morning run or working up a sweat at the gym.… Read More

April 14, 2017

Friday, April 14, 2017

[embedded content] Skill:�Romanian Deadlifts Strength: Superset x 4: -10 Romanian Deadlifts (no touch) @ 50%-60% of 1RM -100ft Sled Push… Read More

April 13, 2017

Chondromalacia Patella: Runner’s Knee

The majority of clients that present to the clinic with anterior knee pain over the coming year will more often… Read More

April 13, 2017

Why Marathons Can Be Deadly Even If You Don’t Run In Them

This article originally appeared on� People who run marathons go through intense training before enduring the physically grueling 26.2-mile… Read More

April 13, 2017

Syndesmosis: A Lifetime Of Pain?

I have been travelling through Athens and now Istanbul. My 11 year old is a Percy Jackson nut and has… Read More

April 13, 2017

Easy Fixes to Yoga Poses to Protect Your Knees, Neck, and Wrists

Yoga can be an effective way to prevent and ease aches and pains—but it can also cause them if you’re… Read More

April 13, 2017

Exercise Increases Survival Rates of Heart Attacks

Maybe this will be the news that finally jolts you off the couch and into an exercise program. A new… Read More

April 13, 2017

High-Intensity Exercise: Fountain of Youth for Seniors?

The health benefits of exercise are well-established for people of all ages. But until now, little has been known about… Read More

April 13, 2017