7 Upper-Body Exercises That Banish Bra Bulge

No matter what size you are, you may have some fat between your back and arms that spills over your bra�also known as… Read More

March 23, 2017

Hilaria Baldwin’s 5-Minute Yoga Routine

In celebrity yoga instructor Hilaria Baldwin�s new book The Living Clearly Method: 5 Principles for a Fit Body, Healthy Mind… Read More

March 23, 2017

Motivational Songs for an HIIT Workout

If just thinking about a HIIT workout seems tiring, let the music play. A Journal of Sports Sciences study found… Read More

March 23, 2017

3 Essential Strength Exercises For Runners

Trying to be a better runner? It's not just about logging miles (although that certainly helps). The key to running… Read More

March 23, 2017

Exercise May Protect Kids From Depression Later in Life

New research has found more evidence to suggest a positive link between exercise and depression, this time finding that children… Read More

March 23, 2017

Relevant Anatomy of Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Pain

Plantar fasciitis is a common affliction affecting many athletes, in particular runners. Adam Smith has written a great piece in… Read More

March 22, 2017

How Footwear Can Affect Running Injuries

Historically athletes were barefoot in the sporting arena and it is only a relatively recent phenomenon for shoes to be… Read More

March 22, 2017

Balancing Muscle Imbalance

Do you have a muscle imbalance? Muscle imbalances occur when one side of opposing muscles is stronger than the other.… Read More

March 21, 2017

Joints That Make Those Popping or Cracking Sounds

�If you've ever heard a loud pop as you bent down to pick something up, you'll be relieved to know… Read More

March 20, 2017

Running Athletes Who Run More Miles Exert Less Energy

The bodies of runners who put in a lot of mileage appear to be more efficient at running compared to… Read More

March 20, 2017