
The Power of Sports for Fitness: Boost Your Health and Wellness

Can participating in a favorite sport several days a week help individuals trying to get fit or maintain a certain… Read More

March 13, 2024

How to Train for Long Distance Walking Safely

For individuals training for long distance walking marathons and/or events, can focusing on building a walking foundation, then increasing mileage… Read More

February 23, 2024

A Guide to Motor Units: Benefits of Weight Training

For individuals starting to lift weights, motor units are important for muscle movement. Can building more motor units help build… Read More

February 9, 2024

Fine-Tune Your Walking Exercise: Increase Duration or Intensity!

For individuals who have decided to start exercising for fitness and health, walking is a great place to start. Can… Read More

January 31, 2024

Create a Winning Fitness Mindset with These Strategies

For individuals that are feeling unmotivated to work out and exercise can developing a fitness mindset help improve and maintain… Read More

January 18, 2024

What To Know About High-Intensity Interval Training | El Paso, TX.

Chiropractic is more than just spinal adjustments. It is a whole-body therapy that may include health supplements, dietary modifications, and… Read More

December 20, 2023

The Essential Guide to Taking a Workout Break

For athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals getting into regular exercise, can taking a workout break be beneficial if structured properly?… Read More

December 19, 2023

Boost Muscle Protein Synthesis: Understand The Process

For individuals trying to optimize muscle growth, protein intake is essential. However, the body is limited by how much protein… Read More

December 6, 2023

Get Stronger with Wearable Weights: All You Need To Know

For individuals wanting to improve their fitness routine can incorporating wearable weights and knowing how to use them effectively help… Read More

December 1, 2023

Nutritional Mistakes to Avoid for Muscle Building

For individuals trying to build muscle but are not seeing results, can knowing factors like what foods to eat, how… Read More

November 28, 2023