Are Body Fat Warnings Overblown?

One in three Americans is overweight and another third are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.… Read More

April 17, 2017

Water Bottles: More Germy Than Toilet Seats?

You may be doing your body good by taking that morning run or working up a sweat at the gym.… Read More

April 14, 2017

Did Trans Fats Ban Lead to Healthier Hearts?

Local bans on artery-clogging trans fats in restaurant foods led to fewer heart attacks and strokes in several New York… Read More

April 13, 2017

Regular Exercise May Slow Parkinsons Progression

Parkinson's disease can cause tremors, stiffness and trouble with walking. But a new study suggests that regular exercise can slow… Read More

April 12, 2017

Holiday Nutrition Boost: Your Guide to Healthy Easter, Passover Meals

With your Easter feast or Passover repast just around the corner, we’ve asked top nutritionists and dietitians for suggestions on… Read More

April 12, 2017

10 Minutes of Vigorous Exercise Helps Kids Hearts

Just a bit of vigorous exercise each day could help some children and teens reduce their risk of developing heart… Read More

April 12, 2017

Common Fats are Making You Lazy and Sabotaging Your Health

The types of cooking oils you eat may be sabotaging your health, making you lazy and setting you up to… Read More

April 12, 2017

Physical Inactivity Linked to Loss of Independence

Being physically inactive raises the risk of losing the ability to perform activities of daily living - both before and… Read More

April 12, 2017

12 Warning Signs Of Hidden Inflammation

When most people think of injury or inflammation, they think of a sprained ankle or injured low back due to… Read More

April 11, 2017

Activity Trackers Not Always Great for Monitoring Exercise Heart Rate

Some people who rely on fitness trackers to see how hard they work out may want to rethink this approach,… Read More

April 11, 2017