How to Stay Healthy on a Cruise Vacation

Do you have a cruise planned or are you thinking of booking one? They're a great, relaxing, don't-worry-about-a-thing type of… Read More

April 10, 2017

More Older Women Binge Drinking

More older American women than ever are drinking -- and drinking hard, a new study shows. Most troubling was the… Read More

April 10, 2017

Some B Vitamins Loaded With Dangerously High Levels: Report

Sometimes there is real danger in getting too much bang for your buck. That’s the case with B vitamins, says… Read More

April 10, 2017

Indian Herb Improves Sleep

The herb ashwagandha, which has been used for centuries in Indian folk medicine to promote sound sleep has been proven… Read More

April 10, 2017

More Evidence Linking Stress to Obesity

Using hair to measure long-term levels of the stress hormone cortisol, UK researchers confirm the link between chronic stress and… Read More

April 10, 2017

Libido Busters: 9 Romance-Killing Foods to Avoid

Everyone’s heard that oysters can give lovers a boost in the bedroom, but a lot of foods can have the… Read More

April 10, 2017

Can Maple Syrup Eliminate Superbugs?

Antibiotics have saved untold millions of lives, but they do have a cost. Along with killing healthy cells together with… Read More

April 10, 2017

Spring Allergies: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent Them

Do you have the sniffles? Are your eyes watering? If so, you may be a victim of spring's abundance of… Read More

April 9, 2017

As Weight Increases, So Does Death Risk

Adults who become overweight or obese have a higher risk of dying from heart disease, cancer or other illnesses, a… Read More

April 9, 2017

Early Use of Antibiotics Linked to Inflammatory Gut Diseases

Using antibiotics very early in life may lead to developing inflammatory diseases later in life, says a new report published… Read More

April 9, 2017