Drinking Ages Cells

The more alcohol people drink, the faster their cells appear to age. Researchers from Japan's Kobe University Graduate School of… Read More

June 27, 2017

Good Night’s Sleep Minimizes Stress Eating

Good Night's: Feeling stressed at work can lead to us reaching for unhealthy snacks and extra portions, but a new… Read More

June 27, 2017

10 Unusual Warning Signs of Disease

Gray hair could be an early warning sign of heart disease. Hiccups that won’t go away may foreshadow cancer. Sometimes… Read More

June 26, 2017

Too Much Exercise Harms GI Function: Study

When it comes to stomach discomfort during exercise, forget that old adage "no pain, no gain." New research suggests that… Read More

June 26, 2017

Wallpaper Breeds Sick Building Toxins: Study

Wallpaper may contribute to sick building syndrome, a new study suggests. Toxins from fungus growing on wallpaper can easily become… Read More

June 25, 2017

Fish May Ease Arthritis Pain

Eating fish at least twice a week may significantly reduce the pain and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis, a new… Read More

June 25, 2017

Reduced Spinal Degeneration Symptoms with Multiple Modalities

Abstract objective: �To examine the diagnosis and care of a patient suffering from chronic low back pain with associated right… Read More

June 22, 2017

Chiropractic Care & Cervical Artery Dissection

�Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Chiropractic Care and Cervical Artery Dissection: No Evidence for Causation Disclosures can be found in… Read More

June 22, 2017

Vertebrobasilar Stroke, Chiropractic Care & Risks

Results Of A Population-Based Case-Control & Case-Crossover Study J. David Cassidy, DC, PhD, DrMedSc,*�� Eleanor Boyle, PhD,* Pierre Co�te ?,… Read More

June 21, 2017

Starvation Diets Drive Obesity

It's no surprise — overweight children who don't properly learn self-regulating habits likely become obese adults. What is surprising is… Read More

June 20, 2017