Chamomile and Inflammation

Chamomile is an ancient medicinal plant by the Asteraceae family and is frequently known as the "earth apple on the… Read More

December 3, 2019

Functional Neurology: What is SIBO?

Do you feel irritable, nervous, shaky, or light-headed between meals? Do you have difficulty eating large meals in the morning?… Read More

December 2, 2019

Losing Weight is Hard

There are many factors that can cause a person to gain weight. Here are some factors that might be the… Read More

December 2, 2019

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 4

Health coaches are available to be a supportive mentor who guides and assists patients in making healthy lifestyle changes. Many… Read More

November 22, 2019

Why Transgender Healthcare Is Important

Transgender individuals are beginning to speak about their problems and issues. Without awareness and education, the healthcare providers are not… Read More

November 22, 2019

Putting Magnesium on the Menu

With Thanksgiving coming around the corner, there is a way to bring magnesium to the holiday table. The good news… Read More

November 20, 2019

The Benefits of HIIT

High-intensity interval training or HIIT alternates explosive bursts of full-throttle efforts with periods of recovery. Read More

November 20, 2019

What You Should Know About Histamine Intolerance and Dieting

Under normal conditions, histamine is released in the body or ingested through food, and it is broken down by two… Read More

November 18, 2019

11 Ways To Improve Digestive Problems

Here are some of the lifestyles that may negatively impact the body�s gut health: What a person is eating Mindful… Read More

November 15, 2019

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 3

Health coaches are available to be a supportive mentor that assists and guides patients in making healthy lifestyle changes. Many… Read More

November 15, 2019