Using Heat and Ice For A Pinched Nerve

Most if not all of us have probably used heat and/or ice on a sprain, strain, or sore area of… Read More

September 15, 2021

Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare-Ups Management

Managing rheumatoid arthritis is an ongoing balancing act. Flare-ups can still present despite following the rheumatologist's lifestyle instructions, proper medication… Read More

September 14, 2021

Hamstring Syndrome, Sciatica, and Chiropractic

The hamstring muscles are three muscles in the back of the thigh. The sciatic nerve goes through or around and… Read More

September 13, 2021

Relaxing The Low Back Muscles

Relaxing the low back muscles. The low back supports the weight of the upper body and provides mobility. The lumbar… Read More

September 9, 2021

Tension In The Neck, Relief and Motion Restored With Chiropractic

Muscle tension in the neck is a common musculoskeletal disorder.  The neck is made up of flexible muscles that support… Read More

September 1, 2021

Scoliosis and Hip Pain

Scoliosis causes the spinal curvature to go sideways and can cause various symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is… Read More

August 31, 2021

Tight, Sore, Painful Gluteal Muscles and Chiropractic Release

The Gluteus Maximus Muscle is the largest and the outermost of the gluteal muscles. It stretches from the sacrum and… Read More

August 25, 2021

Back Pain Phone Apps: Finding The Right One For You

Recent studies have begun to show that back pain apps can enhance the body's recovery when combined with conservative treatments… Read More

August 24, 2021

Chiropractic Toxin Release

After a chiropractic adjustment, the body can feel weird or out of sorts. This is completely normal and can be… Read More

August 19, 2021

Therapeutic Massage During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman's body. New aches and pains start to present as the pregnancy progresses.… Read More

August 17, 2021