🍎 INJURY REHABILITATION & FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE 🍎 • THE MOBILITY • FLEXIBILITY & AGILITY EXPERTS • Specializations: Treating Severe Pain, Sciatica, Neck & Back Pain, Whiplash, Headaches, Joint Injuries, Sports Injuries, Degenerative Arthritis. Advanced therapies focused on mobility recovery, structural conditioning, health, nutrition, wellness, and optimal fitness. Our chiropractors, nutritionists, doctors, nurse practitioners, acupuncturist and medically integrated clinical staff are ready to help you. We focus on functional medicine treatment plans that bring genuine care and health to our patients. We offer injury care, sports wellness, and nutritional treatment protocols that bring optional health to you.

When Methylation Goes Wrong Part 2

Dr. Alex Jimenez Explains Why Methylation Can Go Wrong As previously discussed, many healthcare professionals have demonstrated potential concerns associated with folic acid and methyl-folate supplementation. Some risks of folic… Read More

When Methylation Goes Wrong Part 1

Dr. Alex Jimenez Explains Why Methylation Can Go Wrong Many healthcare professionals have demonstrated several potential concerns associated with folic acid and methyl-folate supplementation. Several risks of folic acid or… Read More

Intolerance to Methylation Donors

Although high-dose methyl donor supplements can help patients with methylation deficits, some healthcare professionals may occasionally encounter patients with an intolerance to methylation donors. Patients with an intolerance to methyl… Read More

Sciatica Pain Rehabilitation | El Paso, Tx (2019)

Sciatica is a collection of symptoms characterized by pain, discomfort, tingling sensations, and numbness, in the low back. The painful symptoms of sciatica can affect a person's quality of life.… Read More

Three Tips You Can Use To Increase Flexibility | El Paso, Tx.

Flexibility is something that many people would like more of, but few know how to achieve it. You might find that improving your flexibility is easier than you think. This… Read More

Methylation Deficits

Folate deficiency and poor folate metabolism are associated with a variety of health issues, such as neural tube defects. Fortunately, the mandatory folic acid programs started by many developed countries… Read More

Nutritional Epigenetic Influence And Longevity| El Paso, Tx.

Can nutritional epigenetics influence how we age and our longevity? El Paso, Tx. Dr. Jimenez presents data on how nutrition can influence longevity and how we age. Longevity or our… Read More

What Does Methylation Do in the Human Body?

Methyl donors, such as folate, vitamin B12, methionine, betaine or trimethylglycine, and choline, are fundamental for a variety of biochemical pathways which occur within a cell. Understanding how the human… Read More

Frozen Shoulder Syndrome: What People Want To Know

Frozen shoulder syndrome is one common condition that affects the joint, limiting mobility and causing pain. When something goes wrong, it can dramatically impact a person�s quality of life. The… Read More

Genetic-Epigenetic Nutrition And Our Health | El Paso, TX.

How does epigenetic and personalized nutrition contribute to optimal health? Most of us know about unhealthy food how it affects our bodies. They Slow Down MetabolismAdd Weight Clog and harden… Read More