Starvation Diets Drive Obesity

It's no surprise — overweight children who don't properly learn self-regulating habits likely become obese adults. What is surprising is… Read More

June 20, 2017

Dangerous 'Mono Diet' Draws Warnings From Experts

A new diet plan that dictates that you eat only one food for several weeks to lose weight fast is… Read More

June 20, 2017

12 Ways to Ease Low-Back Pain While Traveling

Here’s a scenario that’s probably easy for you to imagine: You’ve just endured a grueling flight to a far-off travel… Read More

June 19, 2017

Swearing Aloud Relieves Emotional Pain

Whether your friend has hurt your feelings or you're upset over a lovers tiff, swearing could help to ease your… Read More

June 18, 2017

10 Easy Summer Weight Loss Tips

Bathing suit season is here, and for many of us that means no longer being able to hide those extra… Read More

June 16, 2017

Plant Compound More Powerful Than HIV Drug

A compound in a plant found throughout Southeast Asia is a more powerful anti-HIV compound than the drug AZT that's… Read More

June 15, 2017

10 Home Remedies That Beat Skin Creams for Sunburn

Summer’s officially just a week away, and millions of Americans are facing high odds of suffering from sunburn in coming… Read More

June 15, 2017

Exercise Makes Women Feel Stronger, Thinner

If you're concerned about your body image, engage in a bout of exercise. Researchers at the University of British Columbia… Read More

June 14, 2017

Coffee and Tea May Protect Liver From Western Diet

Regularly drinking coffee or herbal tea may help prevent chronic liver disease, new research suggests. Scientists in the Netherlands found… Read More

June 14, 2017

How Gut Problems Induce Joint Ache

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, stated all healing starts in the gut. And researchers carry on to prove him… Read More

June 13, 2017