🍎 INJURY REHABILITATION & FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE 🍎 • THE MOBILITY • FLEXIBILITY & AGILITY EXPERTS • Specializations: Treating Severe Pain, Sciatica, Neck & Back Pain, Whiplash, Headaches, Joint Injuries, Sports Injuries, Degenerative Arthritis. Advanced therapies focused on mobility recovery, structural conditioning, health, nutrition, wellness, and optimal fitness. Our chiropractors, nutritionists, doctors, nurse practitioners, acupuncturist and medically integrated clinical staff are ready to help you. We focus on functional medicine treatment plans that bring genuine care and health to our patients. We offer injury care, sports wellness, and nutritional treatment protocols that bring optional health to you.

Measurements And Calculations In BIA | El Paso, TX.

You've seen body-weight scales at stores, online, in gyms and at the doctor's office that utilize bioimpedance analysis. These scales can be expensive and wondered what is bioimpedance analysis and… Read More

With Chiropractic You Can Really Live Pain-Free | El Paso, Tx.

There are plenty of people who say that chiropractic made a significant difference in their lives, relieving pain and increasing mobility. Still, some skeptics want scientific proof that it helps… Read More

Senior Citizens Benefit Significantly With Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a safe, natural treatment for people of all ages, and senior citizens can benefit from it. It is far more preferable than many other options, including pharmaceuticals… Read More

Functional Medicine Part 4: Men’s Hormones

Functional Medicine Doctor Explains Men's Hormones Hello there, it�s Dr. Alex Jimenez again and welcome to part four of �Taking Control of your Healthcare�. Today, we�re going to discuss hormones.… Read More

Bioimpedance Analysis And Its Principles | El Paso, Tx.

Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA) is defined as the analysis of resistance and reactance in the human body. Energy dissipation is called resistance (R). Energy storage is called reactance (X). Units of… Read More

Certain Shoes Can Wreck Your Spine | El Paso, Tx.

If you�ve been experiencing lower back pain and can�t seem to pinpoint the cause, try looking down � at your feet. What kind of shoes are you wearing? Your shoes… Read More

Medicina Funcional Parte 3: Nutrici�n

El Doctor de Medicina Funcional Explica la Nutrici�n Cada reacci�n qu�mica que ocurre en el cuerpo humano requiere de enzimas y cada uno de estos procesos necesita una coenzima. Pero… Read More

Being Thankful Benefits Your Health | El Paso, TX.

Can being grateful make you healthier? Several studies say yes. There is a great deal of evidence that shows being thankful benefits your health both physically and mentally. Researchers have… Read More

Medicina Funcional Parte 2: Signos Vitales

Doctor de Medicina Funcional Explica los Signos Vitales Hoy comenzaremos a analizar c�mo el espectro que la medicina actualmente considera "normal" puede no ser realmente �ptimo para su salud y… Read More

3 Tips That Will Save Your Back While Gardening | El Paso, Tx.

Gardening is a favorite warm-weather activity for many people. Unfortunately, it can often send them straight to the chiropractor with back pain and stiffness. If you enjoy your garden but… Read More