Back Pain

Walking Vs. Running: Which Is Better For Low Back Pain Sufferers?

If you are one of the seven out of 10 Americans who have back pain, you are probably looking for… Read More

November 26, 2018

4 Stretches Back Pain Suffers Can Do At Home | El Paso, TX.

If you are like most people, at some point in your life, you will experience back pain � if you… Read More

November 19, 2018

Chiropractic Help in Pregnancy | El Paso, TX

Truide Torres started having back pain throughout the progression of her pregnancy. After she began to experiencing many limitations with… Read More

November 8, 2018

Impacted Femoral Neck Fractures

Hip fractures are characterized as any type of break in the upper region of the femur or thigh bone. The… Read More

October 17, 2018

How Building Core Strength Can Reduce Back Pain | El Paso, TX.

Core Training Back pain can be debilitating, causing immobility, inflexibility, and have a significant impact on a person�s quality of… Read More

October 16, 2018

Femoral Neck Stress Fractures

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint composed of the head of the thigh bone, or femur,�which acts as the ball… Read More

October 16, 2018

Osteitis Pubis Treatment

Pain along the pelvis and groin region is known as osteitis pubis. Osteitis pubis develops through the inflammation of the… Read More

October 15, 2018

Piriformis Syndrome Management

Sciatica is a collection of symptoms in the low back, which radiate down one or both legs. Sciatica is generally… Read More

October 12, 2018

Athletic Pubalgia Mechanism of Injury

Athletic pubalgia is a debilitating health issue which affects the groin. The injury commonly happens through sports that use sudden… Read More

October 11, 2018

Athletic Pubalgia and Adductor Strain

Athletic pubalgia, also known as a hockey hernia,�hockey groin, Gilmore's Groin,�sports hernia, or groin disruption, is a health issue of… Read More

October 10, 2018