
Whiplash Massage Chiropractic Therapy El Paso, TX | Video

Whiplash Massage: Sandra Rubio describes how whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident can cause symptoms of neck pain. An… Read More

April 26, 2018

Chiropractic And Massage Work Hand In Hand

Chiropractic and Massage: Duos often create more exciting outcomes. Lewis and Clark, the Lone Ranger and Tonto, and even Batman… Read More

February 13, 2018

Pope Francis & Sciatica Pain

Chiropractic, Massages & Spinal Injections Are Your Papal Prescription For Low Back & Leg Pain. Should you suffer from the… Read More

September 5, 2017

Massage Therapy Center

Massage is a popular therapy used to relieve fluid retention, spasms, inflammation, muscle tension, pains and stiffness. Other benefits include… Read More

April 7, 2017

5 Tips for Finding Great Alternative Healthcare

Synopsis: Finding the right healthcare provider for you isn�t always easy, especially if they aren�t in the mainstream. This article… Read More

March 28, 2017

Massage Treatment For Fibromyalgia

One of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia is extreme sensitivity to touch, so it�s understandable that some people with fibromyalgia… Read More

February 22, 2017

How About A Massage To Relax?

We all want to relax. In our hectic lives, it's hard to find time for R&R. If you deal with… Read More

February 22, 2017