Functional Neurology: What is the SIBO Diet?

Do you frequently eat processed foods that are bagged or boxed? Do you frequently eat fried foods? Do you have… Read More

December 5, 2019

Degenerative Disc Disease Can Cause Nerve Pain in the Feet

Q: Dr. Jimenez, I have a question about degenerative disc disease, and that is can it cause nerve pain in… Read More

December 4, 2019

Pregnancy Back Pain Can Lead to Sciatica El Paso, TX.

Being pregnant is one of life's many joys, however, with the added weight comes normal back pain that can lead… Read More

December 3, 2019

Functional Neurology: What is SIBO?

Do you feel irritable, nervous, shaky, or light-headed between meals? Do you have difficulty eating large meals in the morning?… Read More

December 2, 2019

Chiropractic Realignment and Adjustments El Paso, TX.

Chiropractic believes that optimal health comes from having a healthy nervous system, particularly a healthy spinal column. Time, work, school,… Read More

November 25, 2019

Home Treatment for Neck Pain El Paso, Texas

Healing takes place at home. Q: Recently diagnosed with a bulging disc at C5-C6, is there anything I can do… Read More

November 22, 2019

Functional Neurology: Gluten-Related Brain Health Issues

Many research studies have arguably analyzed how gluten can affect the nervous system. However, people with celiac disease and non-celiac… Read More

November 22, 2019

Functional Neurology: Gluten Sensitivity and Brain Health

Do you feel like grain consumption makes it difficult to focus or concentrate? Or does grain consumption make you feel… Read More

November 22, 2019

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 4

Health coaches are available to be a supportive mentor who guides and assists patients in making healthy lifestyle changes. Many… Read More

November 22, 2019

Mechanical Diagnosis Therapy for Neck Pain El Paso, TX.

Q: My neck pain comes and goes, depending on the weather, and has for a few years. I have found… Read More

November 20, 2019