Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries & Athletic Psychological Effects | Therapy Specialists

Injury is a common occurrence in sport participation. Ask any athlete and they'll tell you that one of the drawbacks… Read More

August 7, 2017

Blood Flow Restriction Training Overview | BFR Specialist

Blood is responsible for the transportation of oxygen, nutrients, and other molecules crucial for life. Most bodybuilders may also tell… Read More

August 4, 2017

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy for Hamstring Injuries | BFR Specialist

Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is a training strategy which involves the use of cuffs or pliers placed proximally around… Read More

August 4, 2017

Myo-Fascial Release Techniques for the Tensor Fascia Latae

The tensor fascia latae (TFL) is a problematic muscle for many individuals. Oftentimes, it contributes to tightness related to the… Read More

July 6, 2017

What is the Foam Rolling Technique & How to Use it

Self-myofascial release, also known as "foam rolling," has changed from a once mysterious technique used solely by professional athletes, athletes,… Read More

July 6, 2017

New Biomarkers Testing & Diagnosis for Concussions

Concussion, also known as mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), has been a poorly understood condition known to the majority of… Read More

June 28, 2017

Common Soft Tissue Injuries Caused by Trauma

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery �The most common soft tissues injured are muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Acute… Read More

June 23, 2017

Strains and Sprains: One Syndrome, Not Separate Pathologies

According to the National Institute of Health�s, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disorders:   A sprain is… Read More

June 23, 2017

A Parent�s Role in Preventing ACL Injury In Your Child Athlete

If you have a child who plays sports, then you share my excitement for them when they play the game.… Read More

April 24, 2017

Student-Athletes & Injuries

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses student-athletes and injuries. Most injuries to student-athletes occur during routine practices, but… Read More

April 19, 2017