
Family Chiropractor Pain Treatment | Video

Mr. and Mrs. Dominguez and family are grateful for the chiropractic care and the physical therapy they've received from Dr.… Read More

June 25, 2018

Sciatica Pain Treatment In El Paso, TX Chiropractic Care | Video

Mr. and Mrs. Dominguez first received chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez after suffering automobile accident injuries. Martha Dominguez expresses… Read More

June 25, 2018

Lower Back Injury And Chiropractic Care | El Paso, TX. | Video

Lower Back Injury: Isaiah Delgado, wrestler, began participating in a fitness and nutrition program at Push-as-RX in order to improve… Read More

June 13, 2018

Cerebral Palsy And Chiropractic Treatment | El Paso, TX. | Video

Robert "Bobby" Gomez was born with cerebral palsy. Bobby describes how he felt like an outcast, growing up with the… Read More

June 11, 2018

Chiropractic Rehabilitation | El Paso, TX. | Video

Malik Decquir is an athlete who has learned how to accomplish anything he sets his mind to through chiropractic rehabilitation.… Read More

June 11, 2018

Integrated Chiro and Rehab El Paso, TX CHiropractor | Video

Integrated: Brian Filidor is an aspiring wrestler who's had a life-changing experience through chiropractic and agility training with Dr. Alex… Read More

June 8, 2018

Back Pain Specialist In El Paso, TX Chiropractor | Video

Back Pain Specialist: Mike Melgoza is a very active person who is always engaging in physical activity, as a result,… Read More

May 31, 2018

Chiropractic Care Neck Pain Treatment | El Paso, TX. | Video

Alfonso J. Ramirez, now retired, found follow-up treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez for his neck pain. Mr. Ramirez experienced chronic… Read More

May 29, 2018

Auto Accident Injuries Chiropractor | El Paso, TX. | Video

Auto Accident Injuries: Alfonso J. Ramirez, retired, has been pursuing a life full of health and wellness. Before he began… Read More

May 25, 2018