Chronic Back Pain

Backpacks & Back Pain In School Kids

Backpack pain is an all too common condition of school-age children. While back pain is a known and widely-studied issue… Read More

September 5, 2017

Prescription Painkillers Most Common Treatment For Back Pain

Chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez�Finds Prescription Painkillers Most Common Treatment for Patients Seeking Care for Back Pain More than half of… Read More

May 23, 2017

A Pinched Nerve

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez breaks down how pinched nerves cause back and neck pain. You hear people say… Read More

May 4, 2017

Research Finds Patients Seeing Chiropractors Use Fewer Opioids

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez examines people that see�a chiropractor and their reduced�usage of opioids and other types of… Read More

May 4, 2017

Golf: Tiger Woods Has Another Back Surgery

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alex Jimenez examines Tiger Woods' and his latest back surgery. We have a look at Tiger… Read More

May 3, 2017

El Paso Chiropractic Care For Back Pain

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez discusses chiropractic care for back pain. Back pain, especially lower back pain, is a… Read More

May 2, 2017

4 Steps To Reducing Back Pain

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez looks at four ways of reducing back pain. 1. Understand The Way Your Spine… Read More

May 1, 2017

Tai Chi: Harnessing The Power Of Body & Mind To Battle Back Pain

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez looks into Tai Chi for back pain. Q&A with Tai Chi Specialist Dr. Paul… Read More

May 1, 2017

Position Yourself For Sound Sleep With Back Pain

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at sleep posture for back pain. Whether you got back, neck, or… Read More

April 27, 2017

The Real Reason Behind Pain: How The Spine Is Connected To Internal Organs!

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez investigates pain, the spine and its connection to internal organs. Right after I… Read More

April 21, 2017