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Create a Winning Fitness Mindset with These Strategies

Create a Winning Fitness Mindset with These Strategies

For individuals that are feeling unmotivated to work out and exercise can developing a fitness mindset help improve and maintain motivation?

Create a Winning Fitness Mindset with These Strategies

Fitness Mindset Motivation

Learning to exercise as part of a regular workout routine can have a significant impact on health and well-being. In the beginning, individuals are all in, but as time goes on, mental blocks can interfere with workout motivation. Being flexible with oneself and fitness/health goals is part of the process, and overcoming mental blocks is key to maintaining motivation. It’s all about creating a fitness mindset to maintain confidence and motivation and enjoy the benefits of regular exercise.

Feeling Tired

When feeling tired, individuals should ask themselves if it’s physical or mental fatigue. If the exhaustion is not from lack of sleep, illness, or a physically demanding job, it is more than likely mental tiredness. Mental exhaustion can often feel physical, and a recommended cure is physical activity. Often, once an individual starts working out and gets over the mental fatigue, they feel better. (Juriena D. de Vries et al., 2016) Regular physical activity can increase energy levels and leave the body feeling less fatigued. (Bryan D. Loy et al., 2013) However, individuals need to make sure there is ample recovery time to repair and restore the body after working out.


Sometimes there is a small voice that says to take a day off or perform an easier workout. It’s okay to be flexible, but most times, individuals need to be ready to stand up to the skip-the-workout voices and stay motivated.

Remove Obstacles

  • Remove obstacles that can distract from exercising.
  • Have the workout gear ready and exercise time pre-scheduled so there are no second thoughts.
  • If limited space is an issue, find compact equipment like a cordless jump rope that doesn’t require a lot of room.

Don’t Allow Relaxation Takeover

  • Individuals who plan to exercise after school or work shouldn’t go home, sit down, and relax watching TV before working out.
  • Individuals who may need a transition to work out should try something gentle but active, like stretching or doing a light chore.
  • Individuals who exercise in the morning should wear their workout clothes immediately, so they can’t second guess and can continue their workout.
  • Remind yourself of the reasons for committing to exercise.

Research shows that using second-person self-talk can help maintain motivation. Encouraging oneself with phrases like you can do this, you got this, or you are going to achieve your fitness goals improves the chances of obtaining the desired outcome. (Sanda Dolcos, Dolores Albarracin. 2014)

Fight Through The Doubt

Start with small steps. Ask if doubt is stopping you from starting. If doubt begins to arise:

Ask For Help

  • A colleague, friend, or partner can help reinspire motivation.
  • Tell them about the challenges of sticking with exercise.
  • Ask them to work out together.

Do What Is Possible

  • If working out for 30 minutes is too difficult, don’t worry about it.
  • Go for as long as possible and try for more the next time.
  • Keep it simple and make it count. (Margie E. Lachman et al., 2018)

Redefine Exercise

  • Working out can feel like a job, but it does not have to.
  • For example, individuals sitting or standing all day can approach the workout as 30 minutes to get out and move around.
  • Or, after getting the kids settled in, it is time to do something for yourself and exercise the stress away.

Healthy Reminders

  • Write inspirational fitness mindset notes and put them where they will be seen regularly.
  • These can be exercise goals; for example, I will exercise for 30 minutes because I want more energy, better sleep, strength, etc.

Train The Brain For Exercise

When the issue is motivation, the mind needs to be convinced to exercise. How to use mind-over-matter skills:


  • When finishing a workout, rewards can help.
  • Exercise has its own rewards – more energy, improved mood, stress relief, and reduced disease risk.
  • Maybe a new pair of shoes, earbuds or headphones, workout equipment, or a massage will increase motivation.

Make A Deal

  • Continue to exercise for whatever amount of time, and if the desire to stop is still present, then stop.
  • Nine times out of 10, individuals will keep going.


  • Make-believe can encourage the fitness mindset.
  • Pretending to be in a race, or in a movie, anything that makes the body want to move.

Set Achievable Goals

  • Making difficult goals can generate the fear of being unable to achieve them.
  • Aim for small achievable goals that go along with a bigger overall goal.
  • That way, there are more victories, and the motivation to keep moving is maintained.


  • Healthy competition can be a great motivator.
  • Competing with oneself for faster times, heavier weights, or more frequency can keep the inspiration going.
  • Social media and apps to compete with family and friends can also help.


  • Athletes use visualization techniques of going through the game, match, and tournament to get themselves prepared and ready to execute what they’ve been practicing.
  • Individuals can do the same thing by picturing themselves going through their workout from beginning to end.
  • Visualize the workout and the success of finishing, and make it happen. (Fritz Renner et al., 2019)

Work Things Out

  • Exercise provides meditation time to think about problems and challenges.
  • Use the workout time to work through the problems and refocus strategies to solve them.

Process Goals

  • Choosing specific goals that are part of the workout process, like working out 3-4 times per week, is recommended compared to using outcome goals, like losing ten pounds.
  • Outcome goals can be out of the individual’s control; instead, focus on the steps to achieve the goals, which lessens stress and is a more controllable method of working out. (Kylie Wilson Darren Brookfield. 2011)

Changing lifestyle to include exercise is not easy. The most important step is having the right attitude. (Margie E. Lachman et al., 2018) Thinking about exercise as an obligation will discourage motivation. Instead, create a fitness mindset to treat exercise like a break from all the stress and a reward for the mind and body to a healthier life.

Home Exercises for Pain Relief


de Vries, J. D., van Hooff, M. L., Geurts, S. A., & Kompier, M. A. (2016). Exercise as an Intervention to Reduce Study-Related Fatigue among University Students: A Two-Arm Parallel Randomized Controlled Trial. PloS one, 11(3), e0152137.

Bryan D. Loy, Patrick J. O’Connor & Rodney K. Dishman (2013) The effect of a single bout of exercise on energy and fatigue states: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 1:4, 223-242, DOI: 10.1080/21641846.2013.843266

Dolcos S, Albarracin D. (2014). The inner speech of behavioral regulation: Intentions and task performance strengthen when you talk to yourself as a You. Eur J Social Psychol. 44(6):636-642. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2048.

Lachman, M. E., Lipsitz, L., Lubben, J., Castaneda-Sceppa, C., & Jette, A. M. (2018). When Adults Don’t Exercise: Behavioral Strategies to Increase Physical Activity in Sedentary Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Innovation in aging, 2(1), igy007.

Renner, F., Murphy, F. C., Ji, J. L., Manly, T., & Holmes, E. A. (2019). Mental imagery as a “motivational amplifier” to promote activities. Behaviour research and therapy, 114, 51–59.

Kylie Wilson & Darren Brookfield (2009). Effect of Goal Setting on Motivation and Adherence in a Six‐Week Exercise Program, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 7:1, 89-100, DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2009.9671894

Build Mental Toughness to Reach Maximum Athletic Potential

Build Mental Toughness to Reach Maximum Athletic Potential

It can be difficult for individuals and athletes to stay motivated, manage stress and prevent becoming overwhelmed. Can mental toughness and a positive attitude help increase potential and performance levels?

Build Mental Toughness to Reach Maximum Athletic Potential

Mental Toughness

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts work on conditioning, skills training, and perfecting techniques. Physical training can take individuals far but another necessary part of maximizing athletic potential is building mental toughness and having the right attitude. Like anything, mental training takes time, effort, and regular adjustments to find ways to shift a losing or bad attitude into a positive one that can bring out the best.

Attitude Is Important

If negativity begins to set in like dealing with an injury, getting rid of self-limiting beliefs can be difficult, as well as generate optimism to rise up and succeed. For athletes or individuals who enjoy competitive sports, developing a positive mental attitude will help with:

  • Emotions that can affect cognitive functioning strategies.
  • Energy levels.
  • Other aspects of physical performance.

Mental Strategies

Mood Improvement

Individuals frustrated by a pessimistic perspective tend to dwell on problems or issues. To shift into a positive mood do something to lift your spirits, even if you don’t think it will help.

  • Listen to your favorite or uplifting music.
  • Watch an inspirational movie.
  • Read a sports psychology book.
  • Get together or call a teammate or friend that are cheerful and upbeat.
  • Play different games just for fun.
  • Take a break, go to the park, walk around, and meditate.
  • Get into hobbies.
  • Relax with a therapeutic massage.

Positive Self Talk

Continuing sports psychology research shows that practicing positive self-talk can improve athletic performance. (Nadja Walter, et al., 2019) Sports psychologists describe this through the idea that thoughts create beliefs, that drive actions.

Positive self-talk can take different forms.
For some reciting a specific phrase, sentence, or a single word can effectively manage thoughts, push out the negativity, and focus on taking care of business. Anything that inspires can include:

  • Focus
  • Remember the fundamentals!
  • You know what to do!
  • You can do it!
  • You got this!

Research shows that positive self-talk reduces anxiety and increases self-confidence, optimization, efficacy, and performance. (Nadja Walter, et al., 2019) However, self-talk needs to be practiced and part of a regular routine to be effective.


Another strategy is using visualization exercises.

  • This means imagining various scenarios in which competition is happening and things are working out. (Mathias Reiser, Dirk Büsch, Jörn Munzert. 2011)
  • This could be using all the senses to imagine the venue where the tournament is taking place, the sound of the crowd, the smells, how the ground or court feels, and/or how the ball or specific sports object feels.
  • The wisdom is if you can think it, you can do it, once that is determined apply strategies to get there.

Sports Injury Rehabilitation


Walter, N., Nikoleizig, L., & Alfermann, D. (2019). Effects of Self-Talk Training on Competitive Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, Volitional Skills, and Performance: An Intervention Study with Junior Sub-Elite Athletes. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 7(6), 148.

Reiser, M., Büsch, D., & Munzert, J. (2011). Strength gains by motor imagery with different ratios of physical to mental practice. Frontiers in psychology, 2, 194.

How a Health Coach Can Help You Reach Your Goals

How a Health Coach Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Individuals striving to be healthy may not know where or how to start. Can hiring a health coach help individuals start their wellness journey and reach their goals?

How a Health Coach Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Hiring A Health Coach

It’s easy to get caught up in the desire to make changes, but it is another thing to actually set a consistent plan in motion. Hiring a health coach can help individuals understand the information, develop an effective wellness routine that suits their lifestyle, and achieve health and wellness goals. A primary healthcare provider could be a resource and have referrals to reputable health coaches in the area.

What Do They Do?

Health coaches are experts in helping individuals reach health and wellness goals. This can be:

  • Reducing stress
  • Improving self-care
  • Focusing on nutrition
  • Starting exercise
  • Improving quality of life

A health coach helps create a plan and makes it happen.

  • Health and wellness coaches use motivational interviewing and evidence-based approaches to empower individuals in their wellness journey. (Adam I Perlman, Abd Moain Abu Dabrh. 2020)
  • They help identify areas that need improvement, develop a plan, and encourage the individual all the way like a personal fitness trainer.
  • Health coaches work with physicians and/or other health professionals in a clinical setting or as individual providers.
  • Their role is to provide a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Services Provided

Health coaches can provide and assist with: (Shivaun Conn, Sharon Curtain 2019)

  • Diet and nutrition
  • Exercise, movement
  • Sleep
  • Mental and emotional health
  • Occupational wellness
  • Relationship building
  • Social skills building

A health coach is someone who helps organize and balance various aspects of an individual’s life so they can learn to maintain optimal health.

  • They will help overcome barriers when struggling.
  • A health coach listens and provides support for whatever an individual’s goals may be.
  • A health coach is there until the goal is reached.


It is important to ensure the providers being considered have the necessary qualifications. Because some certification programs offer a focus on specific areas like nutrition, it’s recommended to identify what is needed before choosing a health coach. Health coaches do not need a university degree, however, many certifications are affiliated with colleges and have educational partnerships that qualify coursework and award college credits. Training to become a health coach consists of: (Shivaun Conn, Sharon Curtain 2019)

  • Health
  • Fitness
  • Goal setting
  • Coaching concepts
  • Nutritional concepts
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Stress management
  • Changing behaviors

Health Goal Examples

Health coaching is not a one-size-fits-all approach. A primary healthcare provider or physician provides a diagnosis and medical plan, and a health coach helps guide and support the individual through the plan. However, hiring a health coach does not require a medical condition to employ services. A few examples of health goals that health coaches address include:

  • Improving quality of life
  • Reducing stress and management
  • Lifestyle habits
  • Weight loss
  • Exercise
  • Physical activity
  • Emotional and psychological health
  • Quitting smoking

Finding a Health Coach

A few things to consider.

Health Goals

  • Determine goals and expectations.
  • There are many types of health coaches and some may specialize, therefore try to determine the expertise needed to achieve the goals.


  • Determine how much money will be invested, as many insurance providers do not cover the cost of a health coach.
  • Health coaches may charge between $50 to $300 per session.
  • Some will offer packages, memberships, and/or discounts.


  • Look into their certification.
  • Is it accredited?
  • This will ensure choosing a coach who has received the training and expertise needed to provide quality care.


  • Consult with potential coaches.
  • Ask questions and see if they are compatible with specific health goals.
  • Interview as many as needed.


  • Virtual sessions, in-person meetings, and/or a combination?
  • How long are the sessions?
  • Frequency of meetings?
  • Finding a coach that is flexible and convenient will help maintain a healthy coach/client relationship.

Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Treatment


Perlman, A. I., & Abu Dabrh, A. M. (2020). Health and Wellness Coaching in Serving the Needs of Today’s Patients: A Primer for Healthcare Professionals. Global advances in health and medicine, 9, 2164956120959274.

Conn, S., & Curtain, S. (2019). Health coaching as a lifestyle medicine process in primary care. Australian journal of general practice, 48(10), 677–680.

Baseball Training: Chiropractic Back Clinic

Baseball Training: Chiropractic Back Clinic

All sports differ in the relative importance of various physical skills contributing to the game and individual performance. Baseball is a precision sport with fast, explosive movements and full-body activity. The ability to repeatedly perform near maximum level with little rest is necessary for baseball players. Baseball training involves a multidimensional approach that focuses on speed, agility, and strength in a way that is relative to the motions and requirements of the sport.

Baseball Training: Injury Medical Chiropractic ClinicBaseball Training

Trainers have to assess the unique needs of the sport and determine the time needed to improve each quality within the athlete. They should focus on the following:

  • Improving core strength and trunk rotation.
  • Increasing shoulder stability and strength.
  • Improving quick reactive movements.
  • Increasing explosiveness.
  • Improving running, throwing, and bat speed.
  • Injury prevention.

Baseball training workouts are targeted at increasing running speed, bat speed, pitching, and throwing velocity that breaks down the muscle groups for improving performance while decreasing the risk of injury. Training consists of combined conditioning that includes:

  • Sprinting
  • Interval runs
  • Jump rope
  • High-intensity cardio
  • Strength training

Rotational Movements

  • Players often lack abdominal or core strength.
  • One of the main aspects of baseball is the hitting and throwing that is done in a rotational movement and are explosive.
  • Players are recommended to train rotationally with light weights and high speed.
  • Exercises emphasizing rotating the hips and torso with resistance, including cable and pulley machines, dumbbell workouts, and medicine ball workouts, are effective.
  • Abdominal crunches and various rotational twists with a medicine ball can develop a strong muscular base in this area.
  • This will improve strength and power in the core area, which is vital for swinging a bat and throwing.

Shoulder and Rotator Cuff Work

  • High stress is placed on the shoulder joint and the rotator cuff muscles.
  • Pitching happens at the shoulder joint and is one of the fastest human movements.
  • Repetitive stress increases the risk of injury.
  • Exercises that strengthen the anterior and posterior shoulder muscles in a balanced manner are recommended.
  • Shoulder flexibility is necessary to allow external rotation when throwing at high speeds.
  • Deceleration is the area of pitching where injuries happen most.
  • Plyometric shoulder and upper body exercises can help with the explosive pitching motion.

Explosive Speed

Bat Speed

  • Players need increased lower body and core strength to develop power in the swing.
  • The muscles require rotational training at a high velocity.
  • Strong hip and leg muscles initiate the swing.
  • The core area transfers the rotational speed to the torso.
  • The arms complete the swing.
  • The efficient transfer of force from the lower body to the upper body or the kinetic chain principle requires balance for optimal transfer.
  • Strong lats, triceps, and forearms facilitate optimal bat acceleration during ball contact.
  • Forearm and triceps exercises, squats, bench presses, and pull-ups are recommended.

Throwing Velocity

  • Throwing a baseball at high velocity is a full-body movement that requires total body development.
  • Strong leg, hip, and core muscles are necessary to transfer power from the ground, up through the lower body, to the torso, and then the arm and hand to generate a fast, whipping ball release.
  • Weighted or medicine ball exercises can improve velocity.
  • This will improve generating power in the throwing muscles.
  • The objective is to build power utilizing a heavy and then a light load to build arm speed, and using proper form will improve throwing velocity safely.
  • Proper trunk rotation during arm cocking and strength and flexibility training should involve trunk rotational exercises to develop the obliques so that maximum arm speed can be generated.

Biomechanical Analysis

Video analysis of a player includes:

  • Pitching mechanics
  • Hitting mechanics
  • Fault correction
  • Feedback
  • Assessing progress

Mental and Emotional Skills

  • Mental and emotional skills training helps players deal with success, failure, and game pressure.
  • Players have to deal with consistent failure and remain confident.

Hitting Mistakes


Ellenbecker, Todd S, and Ryoki Aoki. “Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding the Kinetic Chain Concept in the Overhead Athlete.” Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine vol. 13,2 (2020): 155-163. doi:10.1007/s12178-020-09615-1

Fleisig, Glenn S et al. “Biomechanical Analysis of Weighted-Ball Exercises for Baseball Pitchers.” Sports health vol. 9,3 (2017): 210-215. doi:10.1177/1941738116679816

Rhea, Matthew R, and Derek Bunker. “Baseball-specific conditioning.” International journal of sports physiology and performance vol. 4,3 (2009): 402-7. doi:10.1123/ijspp.4.3.402

Seroyer, Shane T et al. “The kinetic chain in overhand pitching: its potential role for performance enhancement and injury prevention.” Sports health vol. 2,2 (2010): 135-46. doi:10.1177/1941738110362656

PUSH Fitness: What Is It? | El Paso, TX (2021)


In today’s podcast, Dr. Alex Jimenez and PUSH Fitness owner, Daniel Alvarado discuss how PUSH was created and demonstrate how the right motivation can help people achieve their goals as well as, improving their overall health and wellness.



Dr. Alex Jimenez and PUSH Fitness owner, Daniel Alvarado introduce today’s podcast.


[00:00:01] Daniel Alvarado: You know what keeps them moving and growing and living? Tell me. It is another catfish or that predator. So we never have predators in our lives. We stay stuck, and we don’t progress anything. So every time we ask God to take away the stress or God take away this issue. We’re asking God to make us weaker, not stronger. OK. Because instead of asking like, “Hey God? Make me more creative. Make me more passionate, make me more patient.” We ask for, hey, take away this, but then we still want everything else that comes along with it. How does that work? It’s not easy.


[00:00:41] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: I don’t know. I mean, if you think about it’s from the first time we’re born. It’s not easy. You got to be one in a trillion sperm, really, and only God is very clear that if you don’t get to that egg first, you’re done. So from the moment where we’re given a chance, we’re on the point of destruction from the beginning. Exactly. So, in essence, why did that sperm get to that egg? So you can pass and fight through it.


[00:01:19] Daniel Alvarado:  All right, so then you think of everything else as far as how people complain, how people say, you know, I want more money, I want this, but they don’t look at everybody’s backstory, the backend and the behind the curtains. They think, “Oh man, Jimenez, you are a doctor?” You don’t know how many times you’ve lost and rebuilt your practice or if you’re a gym owner and you haven’t made it. You don’t know how often you have to go in at 4:00 in the morning to get a workout in because you have to train people all day long to ensure that this business stays afloat. You know, people don’t see the back. You see, they’re quick to say, Oh, must be easy. No, it’s not easy until you step into the person’s shoes because you’re the one that has to sign the checks. You’re the one that has to stay up at night and figure out payroll. You’re the one that has to be creative and figure out how you’re going to make ends meet. You are the one that constantly has to be on it. You know, as much as you want to kick back and say whatever and do this, and I would love to work out four or five hours a day. That’s my passion and your passion.


[00:02:23] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: It’s my passion too.


[00:02:24] Daniel Alvarado: And can we? No, right. What do we have to do? Do we have to be meticulous? We have to be disciplined and ensure we have a proper order to stay on top of the schedule. Yes or no? Absolutely. Exactly. You know, so I’m saying at the end of the day that if you don’t have something chasing you, I mean, you become fat and dormant and become lazy.


[00:02:45] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: I think nature is designed to eliminate you. Alex would say, you know, it’s survival, the fittest limiting the species or whatever he’d call it when he’s in biochemistry. You see, I got to tell you it’s not easy to be a business owner. It’s not. It’s not easy when you have no sleep. Ever since I’ve known you, you’ve put the time in from early hours, and you here at 4:30 in the morning and here what time it is? Now you’re here, and we’re here sharing some stories. You know, it’s one of those things where it’s going to be nonstop all our lives. But here’s the thing if you don’t do it, it doesn’t stimulate you to become good at what you do, right? You become lethargic. Everything goes bad. You slowly begin the process of ceasing to exist. 


[00:03:36] Daniel Alvarado: Right. So we all need rest to rejuvenate. Get creative. It’s scientifically proven. You need that to reset. You have to. Otherwise, you burn out. Right? But after how many days of rest, one or two where you get this disconnect spastic. Then afterward, you are like, “Alright, cool. I rested enough.” So you don’t stay stuck there.


[00:04:04] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: No, and I pray for vacation, right? And when I get it, after about three days, I’m like, OK, all right. I’m done.


[00:04:10] Daniel Alvarado: Let’s go.


[00:04:11] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Yeah, OK, what I’m going to break. What am I going to do? That’s how we are.


[00:04:15] Daniel Alvarado: Exactly. But that’s what makes you so successful.


[00:04:17] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Yeah. Well, it drives us, and it drives us to create who we are. And it also gives us a vision as to what we’re going to do. When we start this podcast, you know, Daniel, we want to get or tell the people a bit of the story of what you do and tell them about, you know, where you’ve been and what’s been happening with you. OK. So for me, it’s very important to share with the people what is happening. I’ve always been one to say, you know, I see how hard you work, and I see how much effort you put into things. But I’d like to know a bit of you as to what made you and what kind of makes you click a little bit. When I discuss these things, I want to ask you what made you begin PUSH? What made you start this massive organization?


How PUSH Fitness Started

PUSH Fitness owner, Daniel Alvarado explains how PUSH started.


[00:05:16] Daniel Alvarado: I want to reach the masses of people and help people. So in all reality, my sister, my brother-in-law, my brother, we’ve all come from platforms as far as I’m speaking, preaching, singing, whatever it is. I was always kind of the black sheep. And I mean it in a good way because I wasn’t trained differently. I just was very rebellious. That makes any sense. I wanted to create my own. So if someone is going right, I go left. If the people go right, I go left. I was always trying to find a different way, and I was stubborn enough to become the most successful by the end. But that’s what allowed me to create this place to reach the masses of people and have my platform of change in people’s lives.


[00:06:14] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Let me ask you when you first started PUSH; what was your reason you started it out? You were always into fitness ever since I’ve known you; you’ve always been into a deep understanding. You see, I love sharing that story with people about when I first met you; you were driven. I mean, you were hunting for knowledge. You were trying to figure out what it was that made people tick, and you wanted to teach people… A little cocky, I’d say. But being 18 years old, I mean, who isn’t right at that age? You haven’t been thumped in the head a couple of times. But you did, and you shared it with people, and you did that. But what made you? What drove you? Because I got to tell you, I’m a big believer, Daniel, about when you evaluate families, I see how hard your dad works. I see how your mom’s incredible in terms of what she does. She wins these CrossFit competitions just on meer drive. You have to turn off the lights to get her off the wall because she keeps on going, right? I mean, what is it that what do you feel drove you and what started the whole philosophy of trying to help people out?


[00:07:24] Daniel Alvarado: I mean, you put in my parent’s work ethic; they just never stop. They still don’t stop and try to move forward despite what life throws at them, and they’re successful in their way. They never stop working towards their marriage, towards their love, towards serving each other. They showed me that we always have to help people, and they serve each other. They serve at the church, and they serve wherever they go. No matter where my dad is, he’s always trying to help. It doesn’t matter. You try to take out your trash can and table; whatever it is, he will help. But that’s where I learned it from him. You don’t just go anywhere and just be wherever you go. You always serve. And that’s my interfaith mentality. You know, it’s biblical. Wherever you are, we are supposed to serve people as husbands and wives. We’re supposed to serve each other. That’s what makes us so successful. You know, you look at Jesus in the Bible, and what do you do? You serve people. He helped people. Not the norm. The most unorthodox, nonreligious people. You know, all the people there that needed the most help, not the most religious. And I think that’s what I love to do. I love helping the people that need the most help. The unconventional. Not the people that are all ready to let go. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do love helping them. But I guess I like helping the unorthodox.


[00:09:08] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Yeah. You know what, when you mentioned that about your dad, one of the things I noticed is that I came here to work out at around six o’clock in the morning and it was freezing outside, literally freezing. You had a flat tire. Your dad was lifting in the car by himself to get that tire up. Yeah, it was crazy. By the time I got there, I was like, Is this guy working on it? There was no jack, and he was picking up the car himself. He’s pushing that thing up and lifting the vehicle to fit the tire on. I was like; You got to be kidding me. You didn’t even know until I told you, and you said, “Man, my dad never asked for help.”, you know, he does it. That’s one of the things you said, and that’s who we are. We are our parents. We eventually become our parents to some extent, and that’s very much how you are. Your philosophies have guided the PUSH fitness entourage, and the people who come here have been like extreme athletes. Tell me a bit of that in terms of what drove you to pick athleticism as your way of serving.


[00:10:11] Daniel Alvarado: I think I’ve seen the potential of what people can be pushed to if you believe in them. Often, people will, you know, people do believe in themselves, but it’s amazing what you see people become or individuals or athletes. When you say, Hey, I believe you. Someone that is not your mom, not your dad, because it’s kind of expected. You know, not that they have to tell you that, but you know, it’s kind of sometimes expected. You’re right. Yes, exactly. But then you have this stranger saying, I believe you genuinely wholeheartedly, and it brings out that much more in you. I know that’s how I was, and I still remember various times where you tapped me on the shoulder and said, you know. What are you doing? You can, and I’m very different; I don’t need someone to preach to me. It might get going, and that gets you going to move on to the next level of the mountain. And that’s what I love seeing as a potential that you could bring down in all individuals.


[00:11:32] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: When you see it, pretty much you’ve been able to see everyone crack. What is it you look for when you see them kind of hit that wall when you start working with an individual with a specific set, whatever sport they’re in, or whatever their dreams are? Weight loss or whatever it is. What is it you look for?


[00:11:50] Daniel Alvarado: To see the reason why they’re quitting. Are they genuinely tired, or have they been babied so much by society that they don’t know how to push for themselves anymore? It’s a sensitive society nowadays; you can’t push kids because they get their feelings hurt or feel this way or that way. And sometimes it’s like you got to wake your butt up; if not, you will not make it in this life. Nothing comes easy, and I think we’re expecting things to become easy because we’re, you know, microwave generation, where everything wants to be done so quickly. So I look for the reason as to why they’re quitting. This is genuinely why they are tired, and are they going to throw up? All right. But you remember firsthand that when I worked out with you, I went to the restroom and threw up. I came right back. Why? Because it’s what you build with that person that respect, you know, why would you want someone who is an equivalent you when he gets hard, you know?


[00:12:59] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Yeah, exactly right.


[00:13:00] Daniel Alvarado: How are you going to count on them? How do you depend on them? When it gets tough, they are going to jump off the wagon; that’s it. You are left alone.


The Right Motivation

PUSH Fitness owner, Daniel Alvarado explains to Dr. Alex Jimenez how the right motivation can influence not only kids but adults as well.

[00:13:09] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: You know you’re given responsibility. A huge one with a lot of the El Paso kids in whatever sports they do and whatever the sport, whether it be agility, sport-based or just some sort of sport-based system where they’re just kind of, you know, let’s say, hockey or even things like tennis or golf. But they all have a moment of reaching within. I love how you do that in terms of going ahead and seeing the depths of what is wrong with them, and you can connect with them like no other. I’ve noticed that every single time with my kids, too, when you train them. Did you ask why? So really, at that point, you know, no one cares what you know, they care that you care and that caring allows them to open up, huh?


[00:13:55] Daniel Alvarado: Right? Yeah, it does. You know, it makes them feel like, you know, I do have it in me. I need a quit babying in myself. And I need to get up and get after this because no one will give it to me, and I got to get up after it and work for it. Period.


[00:14:11] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: I would tell my daughter when they would come in and say, “You know what? I’m not coming in, you know, I’m not going today.” And I said, All right, well, let me call Daniel. “No!” Now they sense the obligation and trust you have put into their hearts like no other? Because that’s what they want. They want someone to believe in them.


[00:14:35] Daniel Alvarado: Exactly, to push them.


[00:14:37] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: That’s why the push to PUSH, you know, there’s another way there’s the adage the push. You know, these are vital points. Do you have to deal with the mind-stuff while working with them? How do you work on developing a child’s mind or working them through their mental impediments or their mental kind of dynamics to make them better of who they are? If that makes sense. 


[00:15:04] Daniel Alvarado: You had to build a foundation with them. First, you had to build trust with them. You can just go in and yell at them, Hey, let’s go. Move your butt! You know, you can’t do that. You have to build a relationship first, have them trust you, and understand why you’re pushing them. And then when they’re at the brink of giving up, and you yell at them, and they know why you’re screaming at them. A good parent after they spank them and ground them. They’ll tell them the reason why they did that. But they don’t stop loving them. They appreciate it because they know they’re wrong. Right? It’s the same concept here. Obviously, I yell at them after they know, like, hey yeah, I was sulking, and you start feeling sorry for myself and get after it, right?


[00:15:53] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: You know, from my own experience with what you did. You see, you have a lot of moms watching you train their kids. Moms are sharp. There’s nothing more intelligent than a mother in this world. And they intuitively, they understand, and they feel the depths of the change in the child. Right? So when they see the depths of the difference in the child, they trust you. And this is in mass because I have like a whole wall of families, moms, dads. They bring their kids no matter what. Tired, cold, sleet, rain, snow. They bring their kids here to train with you and your entire crew with the philosophies of pushing to those limits. You know, how does that feel when you see those kids excel?


[00:16:45] Daniel Alvarado: I feel proud. I’m pretty much over the moon because you see the hard work you took to instill that time into them and make sure their full potential came out. So it’s rewarding, and it’s inexplicable.


[00:17:03] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Let me ask you this. You’re not young, and you’re in your 30s, which is a very young age. However, you’ve lived long enough to see some of these kids go on in to do their thing. Tell me how that feels in terms of you watching them develop in terms of their they’re who they are, and what they develop because of the foundation, or at least influenced by the foundation of just don’t give up and keep on pushing through it. How does it feel? What do you think?


[00:17:36] Daniel Alvarado: In a lot of sense, a lot of pride, because you can see what they could have been in there, what they couldn’t have been in times. Some kids do come from poor extremities. And so to see them excel believing themselves, go to college, get a successful job, and be something of a higher profession that otherwise they thought they couldn’t build or settle for less and not letting them settle for less is amazing. That’s why I keep doing what I’m doing.


[00:18:17] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Do these kids keep calling you and talking to you personally?


[00:18:21] Daniel Alvarado: Yeah, they do. They still keep up with me as far as what they’re doing, how they’re doing. They’ll come in and work out. So, you know, to share with me everything. It’s fun. You build that long-lasting relationship.


[00:18:35] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: If you could come up with a couple of words indicating what makes PUSH unique and you can look deep inside your heart and figure out what it would be a word to get an obituary being read about you. What would they say about PUSH and you, huh? Would you want them to say?


[00:18:55] Daniel Alvarado: Honestly, that they had somebody other than their parents believe in them.


[00:19:03] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: That’s amazing. That’s a considerable component of everything that’s going on. When do you think someone actually should be coming out to this place and enjoying the kind of lifestyle that this place, you know, helps enhance their lives with? When is that time?


[00:19:21] Daniel Alvarado: Whenever. Whenever you want to be a better version of yourself.


[00:19:25] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: What do you think people sometimes think about, you know, why shouldn’t they come in? What should not be an impediment of them coming in here?


[00:19:35] Daniel Alvarado: Their image. They can’t do it, that they’re not like, you know, they’re obese, having problems, low back problems, and looking foolish. You know, the whole thing is that in the day, we’ve all looked foolish to an extent or another. But the point is if I always assumed what others thought and paid attention to how I felt this was for members and not being good enough, then I wouldn’t be where I’m at.


[00:20:03] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: I tell you, I’ve learned a lot from you, and if anything, my kids have learned a lot from you by just your persistence. You know, I can honestly tell you that my son is better as an athlete because of your relationship with you. But let me ask you, what kind of physical and emotional changes have you watched your clients attain their goals?


[00:20:34] Daniel Alvarado: Hearing people say. “He saved me from diabetic medications.” We hear people say like I would have died, been in this obese state, and you saved my life. And that’s how do you not get emotional with things like that? How do you not get emotional and people saying, like, you know, I thought I couldn’t walk or had this muscle imbalance, or how do you say where I have this one client that couldn’t build muscle? I can’t remember the terminology, but the fact that she can build muscle now, where the doctor told her she wouldn’t be able to squat a bar, and now she’s squatting over one hundred and thirty-five pounds, that’s phenomenal. How does that not keep you motivated to get up every day when you don’t feel like getting up? You know, and I’ll repeat it, in King David’s words. You know when you had to encourage yourself because somebody is not always there to inspire you. So you do have to encourage yourself so you can be the best or somebody else that needs it more than you. Ultimately, someone has more complicated than you, and you can always help somebody under you.



Dr. Alex Jimenez recaps today’s podcast.


[00:21:52] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Well, Daniel, you said it is very short and essential keywords. You know, we appreciate you. We’re here at the push fitness center. You know you got some information there that you can use to find Mr. Alvarado. The PUSH fitness center is a monster center with many people who care and change people’s lives. Suppose you guys have any questions, comments, or ideas about what we do for people. Let us know, and we’re here to serve as Daniel is. Thank you very much, brother, and I appreciate everything you’ve done. And God bless, brother.


[00:22:32] Daniel Alvarado: God bless. Thank you.




Back Pain and Back Extension Stretching El Paso, TX.

Back Pain and Back Extension Stretching El Paso, TX.

You don’t have to be highly athletic to do back extensions. They’re common in yoga, Pilates, and other stretching and strengthening exercises. Health and fitness begin with the desire to improve oneself. When desire and belief are strong enough, it leads to action. When done properly and consistently, success follows. Considering all that the back goes through in a typical day, it isn’t much of a stretch to think that pain could present at times. This is especially true if the back is not properly aligned.

Strong back muscles can reduce injuries and improve posture. There are some muscles along the length of the spine that support the spine. One of the most important�deep muscle groups in your back is the erector spinae. If this muscle group becomes weak, back pain can start to present.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Back Pain and Back Extension Stretching El Paso, Texas


Back Extension

Back extensions can be done:

  • Using a machine
  • With an exercise ball
  • No equipment or objects at all described below

When beginning it’s a good idea to consult a certified personal trainer that has experience rehabilitating people with back pain. They will also teach proper form, body mechanics and alignment. Before doing any exercises consult your chiropractor or primary doctor.


Three You Can Do

The Cow Pose

  • Begin on hands and knees.
  • Hands are shoulder-distance apart and knees are hip-distance apart.
  • Inhale and arch your spine by rocking your pelvis toward the floor.
  • Look up toward the ceiling.
  • As you exhale, move back to your starting neutral back position.
  • Inhale, and repeat. Link your inhales and exhales with your movement.
  • Do the cow stretch 5 to 10 times once a day.


kneeling cat cow stretch


Upper Back Extension

  • Begin on your stomach with a small pillow or�rolledtowel under your hips.
  • Arms should be along your sides.
  • Slowly lift your upper body off the floor and contract your low back muscles.
  • Hold 3 seconds before lowering back to the floor.
  • Repeat 10 times.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 House Sciatica Self-Care Therapies El Paso, Texas


Opposite Arm/Leg Extension

  • Start on your stomach with legs together and arms stretched in front.
  • Breathe in and tighten your tailbone as you lift your arms and legs off the floor (about hip height and if you can higher).
  • Pump the right arm down and left leg down so they just graze the ground, and then bring them back to hip height and pump the left arm and right leg down.
  • Alternating right arm/left leg and left arm/right leg in small movements. Keep your eyes toward the mat.
  • Repeat 3 times every day.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Back Pain and Back Extension Stretching El Paso, Texas

These are just a few back extensions that can help you build strong back muscles. Do these exercises regularly to decrease and prevent back pain.


Belief Action Success

All of us want to be living healthy lives.

When realistic, specific and measurable goals are expertly set-up in a health program what really keeps us from getting there is a break in the link that falls between belief and the action. And that is the excuses that seem to pop up at those moments.

  • If I had more time, I would exercise
  • Every time I try to exercise or eat healthy, something comes up
  • Someone or something else is responsible for the situation.

We know what we need to do but just don’t want to do it. We believe that something out of our control prevents us.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Back Pain and Back Extension Stretching El Paso, Texas

Be Proactive

It means more than just taking initiative. It means a responsibility or you can think of it as a response and the ability for our own lives. People that become proactive do not blame circumstances, conditions, etc for their behavior or lack of behavior. It is a product of their own conscious choice. Once you realize the power you have, obstacles become welcome challenges to be overcome. With just a little success, confidence grows and commitment to health and fitness goals becomes a priority.


Back Pain Specialist



NCBI Resources

Dealing with joint or muscle pain can be a daunting experience. It�s important to work on maintaining�mobility and flexibility. The more flexible, the less likely to be injured. One of the best ways to improve flexibility is through stretching. A�chiropractor�can recommend stretches, or you can use some of these basic techniques


What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.

What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.

In today’s busy world individuals need a little help when it comes to letting go of bad/negative behaviors and adopting/embracing positive behaviors to sustain optimal health and lifestyle. This is where a health coach�comes in.

More adults in the United States have a chronic disease and around thirty percent have two or more.

Many healthcare professionals do not know how to counsel patients on healthy living and, if they do, the information is limited to very basic knowledge like exercise and eat healthily. With this type of info and not a lot of enthusiasm, patients are not going to listen or make lasting changes.

Many providers do not listen to what’s going on and just tell patients what to do, instead of discussing the best options they have for their health. People being told what to do are not likely to listen or act upon the recommendations.

A health coach creates a custom getting healthy plan with you that fits your life, gets you going, sets up a strategy for the challenges and sees you through! This is what a health coach does.

Health coaching Involves

  • Communication
  • Motivation
  • Continued Support

This allows individuals to make meaningful behavior changes that will last forever.

Coaching centers on:

  1. Thorough conversation
  2. Listening
  3. Clinical Intervention
  4. Strategies

These are aimed to actively engage patients in positive behavior change.

Health coaches take on patients wherever they are in their health. An individual can be healthy and just want some advice to individuals that are extremely unhealthy with weight issues, chronic illness, disease or all of the above.

The point is to help individuals learn self-management techniques. The coach teaches, motivates and strategizes with the individual to make educated/informed decisions that will turn into regular healthy habits.

Coaching comes in the form of:

  • Setting�goals that are achievable�
  • A Patient’s Values
  • Strengths
  • Motivation
  • Encouraging the patient

This is how healthy attitudes and behaviors are developed.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.


The Health Journey Begins

The patient’s health history is taken into account. Then the coach asks:

  1. Where they want to be in their health
  2. What Values they hold close
  3. What Goals they have in mind
  4. The plan is Created
  5. Progress is Tracked
  6. Challenges are met
  7. The long-term plan is Created

Patients oftentimes do not know where they are from a health perspective and might not be sure how to explain. This is where health coaches and their training can breakdown any questions/issues a patient may have.

A health coach will look at where a patient is healthwise based on:

  • Emotional factors
  • Environmental factors
  • Financial factors
  • Psychological factors
  • Physical factors
  • Recreational factors
  • Spiritual factors
  • Social factors

This health inventory is for the patient to reflect on where they are in their health and where they want to be.

Patients are welcome and encouraged to ask questions about the plan, make changes, reset goals, etc.

Motivating the Patient

Motivation can come in various forms. As people learn in various ways, so too are the motivational strategies to get patients to exercise the positive behavior outlined in their treatment plan. Some ways coaches motivate are:

  • They collaborate with patients and don’t approach the plan with an all-knowing mindset.
  • Understand the motivation of the individual to change.

Motivational Principles:

  • Empathy
  • Discrepancy
  • Support patient’s ability

Six stages of behavioral change:

  • Precontemplation – Patients do not see any problems and do not consider their behavior as negative, and do not see the problems their behavior is causing.
  • Contemplation – Patients start to think about healthy behaviors.
  • Preparation/Determination�– Patients are ready to take action toward behavior change and believe the new behavior will lead to a healthy life.
  • Action�– Change begins and the intention is to keep going.
  • Maintenance – Behavior change has been for more than six months and continuing on the right track.
  • Termination�– Negative behaviors are eliminated.

There are different strategies to get through each stage and on to the next until the positive behavior is achieved.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.

Helping the patient find the coaching plan that is right for them.

Patients are helped by figuring out what they want to change about their health based on what they see and
the most important changes for them. There is no correct answer, as it is different for everyone.

Understanding Your Values

Coaches encourage the patient to identify their values, and what is most important for each individual.

These include:

  • Family
  • Friendship
  • Health
  • Love

Values begin early in childhood and become reevaluated as life goes on, and can change.

Clarity is important to help the patient build self-awareness to make intelligent decisions and staying balanced.

A coach might ask questions like:

  • What made you choose the unhealthy product versus the healthy version?
  • How much stress do you think you have to deal with on a daily basis?
  • Do you make time for yourself?

For some, identifying negative behavior can help, as the patient grows and realizes how their health is changing, their values start to change.

This information helps to create a plan of action along with steps to help the patient’s decision making.

While working with the patient to determine goals and create steps, tools and methods are created help to ensure the patient understands their role in getting healthy.

Asking Questions

Coaches ask patients what they know and what they would like to know?�There are no incorrect questions, aks away, as the more an individual knows, as well as the more that the coach knows about the patient, the better the treatment plan will be.


If the patient doesn�t understand, the process is repeated until the patient is able to explain the treatment plan back to the coach so everything is clear.

This technique is recognized by various associations, including the:

  • American Academy of Family Physicians
  • American Hospital Association

Primary Areas of Improvement

Before setting goals the patients go over the primary areas of their life that they want to improve/change.

These primary areas may be very similar to the patient�s values.

Examples include:

  • Health
  • Family
  • Career
  • Finances
  • Recreation
  • Social Relationships

Once a patient has identified what they would like to focus on, brainstorming sessions are put into action, as to what they want to change or improve for each primary area.

They are then broken down into smaller goals in the creation of the main plan of action.

As the patient moves forward they are more motivated and encouraged to take on bigger challenges.


Couple making a healthy smoothie


Patients understand what areas of their life they want to improve/change.

With the primary areas known, the patient begins the challenge of changing their current unhealthy status to healthy.

Areas to consider:

  • What exactly do I want to achieve?
  • How will I achieve this goal?
  • Timeframe to achieve this goal?
  • Why is this goal important to me?
  • Where to go to next once the goal is achieved?


When the patient is ready, the coach will assist in developing:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Timely

SMART goals that allow for structure and trackability and create clear milestones for the individual.



Once a health coach understands where the patient wants to go, the next phase is planning.

Patients help in creating their treatment plan.

This plan is an agreement between the patient and the health coach that describes the behavior change that the patient wants to make, how they’re going to go about it, and their commitment to the final result.

Example of goals a patient will follow to lose weight:

  • Try new fruits and vegetables
  • Find creative ways to incorporate exercise at work.
  • Stay hydrated by keeping a water bottle and refilling it every two hours.
  • Cooking healthy meals at first twice a week then three times and so on.
  • Walking after meals.

These small tasks make it easier for the patient to see their progress.

The coach will check with the patient regularly to make sure they are sticking to the plan.


Health Coach


Goal Progress

Health coaches can ensure a patient has consistent motivational support by creating a follow-up plan that works in conjunction with their primary treatment plan.

Follow-up care may include schedules for physical exams or tests, referrals, and recommendations to keep positive behavior development.

Coaches and patients work together to create realistic goals for the future.

As the patient progresses, the health coach may make additional recommendations or work with the patient to adjust their plan or making sure the patient knows where to turn to if they have questions.

Continued Support

Once goals are being achieved it is important to have support to continue the positive behavior. Traditional sources of support include:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Colleagues
  • Community

Patients may not always have access to external support, coaches also teach the patients how to find positive support in various activities around town that can help patients and their overall health.

At Injury Medical Chiropractic & Functional Wellness clinic we have the best-rated team of health practitioners to get you to your best optimal health.


*Detox Your Body* | Detox Doctor | El Paso, TX (2019)



Fred Foreman is a basketball coach who depends on his overall health and wellness to be able to engage in his everyday responsibilities. As a result, coach Foreman started the 6 Day Detox Program, designed to help renew and enhance the human body’s cleansing and detoxification capabilities.


NCBI Resources

Good health is built on diet and exercise. The goal is to continually improve by maintaining healthy habits that develop more healthy behaviors. You do not have to do anything drastic. You will have an easier time making changes if you start small and gradually shift towards a lifestyle that is best for you. A health coach can get you operating and performing at the highest level!