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Various Treatments For Lyme Disease (Part 3)

Various Treatments For Lyme Disease (Part 3)


Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how Lyme disease can cause referred pain to the body in this 3-part series. Many environmental factors can cause numerous issues in the body that can lead to overlapping risk profile symptoms in the muscles and joints. In today’s presentation, we examine the different treatment protocols for Lyme disease. Part 1 looks at the body’s genes and looks at the right questions to ask. Part 2 looks at how Lyme disease is associated with chronic infections and how it affects the body. We mention our patients to certified medical providers that provide available therapy treatments for individuals suffering from chronic conditions associated with Lyme disease. We encourage each patient when it is appropriate by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis or needs. We understand and accept that education is a marvelous way when asking our providers’ crucial questions at the patient’s request and acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., uses this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


The Biofilm In The Body

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: The elimination of all biofilms makes no more sense than trying to sterilize the gut. So biofilms are this adherent polysaccharide matrix. We like to think of it as a fruit cocktail jello. So you’ve got the jello and all the different pieces of fruit in there, and each other type of fruit might even be a different species of bacteria. And one of those bacteria can make penicillinase, and it can elaborate a cloud of penicillinase into the matrix, protecting even species that can’t make it. And we already talked about how these biofilms can be operant in probiotic colonization, but they are also part of several problematic infections.


So there are several strategies to modify biofilms, making them more porous to the immune system and antibiotics. So Lactoferrin is one, Colostrum, which contains Lactoferrin in a bunch of other products as well. Serum-derived bovine immune globulin is egg divide-derived immune globulin for your sensitive patients. Probiotics and prebiotics can have biofilm activity. And then enzymes, as we mentioned before, are a carbohydrate structure, and enzymes can break down that matrix and make it more porous. So can Xylitol and EDTA be strong anti-film actors and stevia?


Lyme Serology Test

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: So Lyme serology testing needs to be more sensitive for diagnosis, especially during the early or late stages. And we’ll see why in a minute. So the standard two-tiered test requires a screening test of either an ELISA test or an IFA and then a confirmation test of a Western blot. The International Lyme and Associated Disease Society or ILADS and others argue that this two-tiered test should be only for surveillance or research purposes but not for diagnosis in individuals. So here’s what that scheme looks like, you either get an EIA or an IFA, and if it’s positive or equivocal, you go onto a Western blot. If you’ve had symptoms for less than 30 days, you get both an IGM and an IGG. If you’ve had symptoms for more than 30 days, you only get an IGG. Now, there are special criteria for reading the Western blot. They require multiple positive bands depending on whether it’s an IGM or an IGG blot. If your screening test is negative and you’ve been sick for less than 30 days, you should be retested in, you know, at some recovery point. You should consider a different diagnosis if you have been sick for more than 30 days. And we are going to talk about why this scheme is problematic.


So it’s highly specific. This two-tiered test is 99 to hundred percent specific, but its sensitivity is rather poor, perhaps even lower than 50%. So, here’s the data on that. We see the number of patients in the study, the patients versus controls, and the sensitivity and specificity. We also see totals, and the total sensitivity was 46%, while the total specificity was 99%. So as a test, think about it; we all learned about appendicitis in med school. You must take out a few normal appendices to ensure you get all the bad ones. If you’re missing half of the Lyme disease cases, many people will go onto tertiary disease.


Testing For Lyme Disease

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: So what about seronegative Lyme? So people who had the test and it was negative. Well, here’s a female patient who had what appeared to be Lyme arthritis despite recurrent negative Borrelia Burgdorferi tests. So she was found to have a different species of Borrelia garinii, and multiple courses of antibiotics didn’t do the tricks. So she had more courses of antibiotics and synovectomy, which eventually did help. This test says that Lyme borreliosis patients with live spirochetes in body fluids have a low or negative level of Borrelia antibodies in their serum. This indicates that an efficient diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis must be based on various techniques such as serology, PCR, and culture. And in this study, spirochetes were isolated from skin cultures obtained from multiple lesions. These spirochetes were identified as not Borrelia Bergdorferi but instead as Borrelia Afzelii.


However, Serum Borellia Burgdorferi tests were repeatedly negative. One of the problems with these tests is that the kit that comes approved is based on Borelli Burgdorferi, B-31 strain. And we see from these seronegative Lyme tests that some other strains and species may be involved. So the IDSA guidelines state that there is no convincing biological evidence for symptomatic chronic Borrelia Burgdorferi infection among patients after recommended treatment regimens for Lyme disease. This was noted in a culture-proven case of antibiotic failure with Borrelia Burgdorferi infections in 1989.


So, what about the animal model? There was an antibiotic failure in an animal model, this mouse model. In this dog model, there’s an antibiotic failure. In this Macaque monkey model, there’s an antibiotic failure. And in this particular study, Borrelia Burgdorferi can withstand antibiotic treatment when administered post-dissemination in primates. And as we’ll see in a little bit, many patients with Lyme disease are diagnosed post-dissemination. So these findings raises important questions to discuss with patients about the pathogenicity of antibiotic-tolerant persisters and whether or not they can contribute to symptoms post-treatment in Lyme disease. Human studies suggest that 25 to as many as 80% of patients have persistent symptoms after two to four weeks of antibiotic therapy. In this study, up to 40% of patients were found to have a persistent infection after the recommended IDSA treatment. So in this study, the patient’s condition deteriorated despite receipt of repeat courses of antibiotic therapy over two years.


The Protocols

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: They then received 12 months of intravenous antibiotics and 11 months of oral inter condition improved significantly. You’re going to see that we don’t have to resort to these long courses of antibiotics so much anymore because we have different tools. But this suggests that a longer duration may be helpful. Our study substantiates Borrelia persistence in some erythema migraine patients at the site of the infectious lesion site, despite antibiotic treatment over reasonable periods. And this was not because of rising MIC (minimal borreliacidal concentrations) levels. Therefore, resistance mechanisms other than the acquired resistance to antimicrobial agents should be considered in patients with Lyme Borrelia resistant to treatment. And in this study, a declining antibody response, which has been noted following antibiotic treatment in mice and in antibiotic-treated dogs, occurs despite low levels of persistent spirochetes. Our results show spirochetes are viable and transmissible and express antigens following antibiotic treatment.


This is a biostatistical review of the papers that the IDSA used to argue that there’s no compelling evidence of persistent symptoms after treatment and that repeated antibiotic treatment does not work. And they conclude that this biostatistical review reveals that re-treatment can be beneficial. Primary outcomes originally reported as statistically insignificant were likely underpowered. The positive treatment effects of Ceftriaxone are encouraging and consistent with persistent infection, a hypothesis deserving additional study. All right, so now we are going to start applying appropriate sequence diagnostic steps for Lyme disease.


What Symptoms To Look For?

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: The International Lyme and Associated Disease Society, or ILADS, has published evidence-based guidelines for managing and treating LymeLyme, and they’ve done something unique in the practice guidelines space. They publish an appendix, and then in this appendix, they compare the ILADS versus the IDSA guidelines for every single recommendation. So we see the management of an exodus species bite. So exodus tick bites typically have many useful symptoms, but the best treatment for chronic Lyme disease is early treatment of acute Lyme disease. But this is hard because the erythema migraines rash only shows up in about half of the patients with Lyme disease. And the central clearing makes it look like the bullseye rash, which is the stereotypical or classical erythema migraines rash. That central clearing only shows up in about half of the rashes. In fact, in one case series of 11 erythema migraine rashes, they were misdiagnosed as cellulitis, even though all 11 patients showed clinical evidence of Lyme disease progression.


To that point, making it even more difficult is that only about half of the patients with Lyme disease remember a tick bite. So it’s important to think about Lyme disease anytime you’re evaluating somebody suffering from flu-like symptoms off-season. So if they have the summer flu, they feel Lyme disease. So what are some symptoms? Severe unrelenting, life-altering fatigue. Now we’re talking about chronic Lyme disease here, not acute Lyme disease. Acute Lyme disease symptoms include low-grade to even significant fever, chills, body aches, and sweating. But we’re talking about chronic Lyme disease and its symptoms, which include severe unrelenting, life-altering fatigue, migrating arthralgias, and myalgias which can progress over time. What is this migrating business? It means that the left knee hurts so bad a person can hardly walk, but now three days have gone by, their left knee doesn’t hurt at all, but their left shoulder is killing them. This is known as referred pain, where one location in the body is dealing with pain instead of the main source that has been affected. This causes the sensory nerves to top go haywire in the body and, over time, develop overlapping symptoms that can affect the vital organs, muscles, joints, and tissues.


These symptoms correlate with joint inflammation going on here. Memory impairment, brain fog, mood swings, and anxiety all progress. What about the patient’s history? Living in or traveling to a tick-infested area is an important piece of history. A known tick bite, even though half the patients don’t know about it, that’d be useful. A rash, even though half the patients don’t have one, that’d be useful. And then the symptoms we described.


So what about the physical exam? Unfortunately, it’s generally non-specific, but you must carefully consider neurological, rheumatological, and cardiac symptoms when suspicious of Lyme disease. You know, you might find arthritic kinds of symptoms. You might discover meningitic signs. And anyone who has Bell’s Palsy should be ruled out for Lyme disease. Bell’s Palsy is Lyme disease until proven otherwise.


Another interesting thing is doing vibratory sense evaluation by confrontation. And what’s interesting is you do it, put your finger on the bottom of the metatarsal and put the tuning fork on the top of the metatarsal or metacarpal. And you wait until you can’t feel it transmitting the bone, right, and if the patient says that they don’t feel it, and you still do, that’s probably not normal.



Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: When treating Lyme disease associated with chronic infections, if the immune system is not responding in a way that we would expect a healthy person’s immune system to respond, then providing additional tests to figure out the symptoms causing overlapping risk factors are useful. Remember that treating chronic infection is a master’s class in functional medicine. We must use all of our tools and do laps around the matrix. Every time you get a new piece of data, it is interesting. We need to think about the matrix in total. We need to consider the five modifiable factors of psychosocial, spiritual, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of what the patient is going through. And remember that your ATMs are not your destiny. And that infectious agents often modify the local and systemic immune response displaying self-stealth pathology, which can be in the body for years. Talking with your patient about what is happening in their genes and providing a personalized treatment plan to give them the tools for their health and wellness.



The Role Of Nrf2 and Inflammation

The Role Of Nrf2 and Inflammation

If there is one thing we are learning more and more about, it is that everything can be related back to inflammation and what we put inside our bodies. Point blank. The food you consume affects your genetics and your inflammatory response in the body. Headaches, achy joints, and overall fatigue have been directly linked to inflammation.


Inflammation was once thought to just be something that occurs when the body has an infection or we hurt ourselves as the body’s natural response. That fact is still true to this day. However, we now know more. Now, we are able to recognize inflammation occurring inside our organs and down to the cellular level.

Just as you roll your ankle and it becomes inflamed, if you eat the wrong foods your gut becomes inflamed. This can then be traced back to leaky gut and in some cases, autoimmune diseases.

So what can we do about it? What is actually happening in our bodies?

The human body is an amazing machine that we are still finding more about each and every day. Let’s first take a look at where this inflammation is coming from. Inflammation can enter the gut barrier as a toxin, protein, pathogen, LPS, or alcohol.

If our body is continuously exposed to these triggers, it can result in our immune system becoming dysregulated. Now that our body has these triggers, things like allergies, asthma, autoimmunity, and poor immune tolerance and regulation become our bodies new regular.

Amplifying Loop

These triggers then signal something called cytokines. Cytokines are tiny and dance around inside of the cell. These cytokines increase NF-kB activity.

NF-kB is then used to transcribe DNA and express an inflammatory state!

Now, our bodies are promoting inflammation, all because we let the toxins in. What we put into our mouth and our bodies matter. The foods we eat have the ability to provide nutrients to our cells, rather than facilitating in this ongoing inflammatory response chain.

How Do I Regain Control?

Nrf2 is a key protein in the body that has the function of regulating the genome. This helps the body balance gene expressions and the regulation of our genes. Another thing Nrf2 does is upregulate genes that encode antioxidant enzymes and antiinflammatory genes.

Essentially, Nrf2 helps to fight off inflammation and reduce oxidative stress. Nrf2 activity is part of the detoxification system our bodies naturally have. It helps us to not get sick from every single bacteria we come into contact with. However, Nrf2 is a pathway, not a supplement. So now the question becomes, How do we active Nrf2?

From The Kitchen to The Genes

As mentioned earlier, everything can be traced back to the kitchen and what we put into our mouth to nourish our body. A great way to ensure you are feeding your body what it needs is to make a smoothie in the morning. Smoothies can contain so many nutrient-dense foods to aid in Nfr2 activation.

First, start off with flaxseed in the blender. Blend it up so the flax seeds get broken up and open. Next, add in blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, acai berry powder, broccoli sprouts, and almond milk!

By providing your body and your cells with the nourishment they need, they will flourish. In addition to a smoothie, there are supplements that can aid in Nrf2 activation as well. These supplements include curcumin, fish oil, wormwood, and CoQ10.

It’s clear that the “American Diet” has been causing problems for us. The world is so busy and fast-paced that we are not taking the time or giving our bodies the consideration to shop and make nutritious home-cooked meals. We need to increase our vegetables, fruits, fibers, whole grains and decrease the carbs. Everyone has some degree of inflammation in their body, and many of us do not even realize it! I challenge us to give up fast food for an entire month, cut the soda, increase the lemon water and eat at least one salad a day during this month. By increasing our vegetables and creating plates that are more colorful, our bodies will thank us! – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach�

Gordon, Jacob. �Recipes for NRF2 – MyBioHack: Unlock Your Maximum Potential.� MyBioHack, MyBioHack | Unlock Your Maximum Potential, 7 Nov. 2017,
Gordon, Jacob. �Why NRF2 Activation Can Make You More Sick – MyBioHack: Unlock Your Maximum Potential.� MyBioHack, MyBioHack | Unlock Your Maximum Potential, 2 Feb. 2020,
Lawrence, T. �The Nuclear Factor NF-�B Pathway in Inflammation.� Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, vol. 1, no. 6, 2009, doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a001651.
Ma, Qiang. �Role of Nrf2 in Oxidative Stress and Toxicity.� Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, vol. 53, no. 1, 2013, pp. 401�426., doi:10.1146/annurev-pharmtox-011112-140320.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal,and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at915-850-0900.

Stubborn Weight: Genetics or Diet?

Stubborn Weight: Genetics or Diet?

Today, there can be a lot of confusion when it comes to diet. The information received can be contradicting, confusing, and leave individuals feeling lost. This can often result in giving up on the diet and being left with joint pain, inflammation, discomfort, headaches and more.

The reason why there is more than one diet out there is because the research is always advancing. We have come to realize that everyone’s body reacts to different food sources and diets differently.

Genetic Code

As more and more research is being done, the more we are realizing how the genetic factor of individual cells directly correlate to a patient’s weight, diet, and changes as they age. For years, as one would get older and start gaining weight, we would attribute it to age. Although age is a factor, what we are finding now is that the genes are actually changing as we age and that is what creates this weight gain.

Sure enough, there are also genes that will tell us if you are susceptible to snacking. These genes can detect if you have a predisposition for heightened snacking or satiety. Satiety is the feeling of fullness after a meal. If you have reduced satiety, you tend to snack more because you do not feel as full after the meals you eat.

Getting your genes tested will allow the treatment plans created to be more personal and more geared to see results! Believe it or not, your genes can tell us if you are genetically prone to obesity,� if you have weight loss resistance when it comes to carbohydrates, and how your body responds to exercise! Using the genes, we can see how many hours per week you will need for weight loss or to maintain your current weight.

Proven Methods

The best option is to know your genes so the diet plan can be geared more towards you directly. However, if that is not a possibility right away, there has been one diet that has been proven time and time again to work for almost everyone. This diet is referred to as the Ketogenic Diet.

In simple terms, the ketogenic diet is a low carb, high-fat diet. This diet works by sending the body into a state of ketosis which burns fat as fuel.

Research shows that those using a ketogenic diet demonstrated a higher percentage of weight loss and kept the weight off longer when compared to those who did a low-fat diet.

Available Resources

Considering the fact that there is misinformation about diets out there, proper education is going to be the key. As someone who has gone through dietary changes myself and figuring out what works best with my body with type 1 diabetes for optimal health, the right team is what made me successful.

Surround yourself with those who are continuously educating themselves and have a system in place. For example, we make sure our patients get one on one time with the doctor and a health coach. From here, the health coach and patient become connected through a virtual database allowing the patient’s food, weight, supplements, hydration, BMI, BIA, and activity to be tracked by the health coach. The health coach can then instant message or video chat the patient throughout the week to ensure they are staying on track, staying motivated, and answer any questions they may have!

Do not be left confused over diets anymore! Remember that your genetic code holds the key to the right diet for you.

The right diet has the ability to make individuals see the results they have been waiting for. It all comes down to the genes. As mentioned, genes change over time but they hold the code. If you are someone who has struggled with diets, feeling good, or are stuck at a certain weight, I highly recommend getting tested! The information you gain from this is so beneficial! I have seen the results first hand, and they are eye-opening. They let you know if you have the genetics that will hold onto fat. This knowledge can help us prevent health issues such as metabolic syndrome! – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach�

Dr. Alex Jimenez�s Blog Post DisclaimerThe scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.


Bueno, Nassib Bezerra, et al. �Very-Low-Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet v. Low-Fat Diet for Long-Term Weight Loss: a Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials.� British Journal of Nutrition, vol. 110, no. 7, 2013, pp. 1178�1187., doi:10.1017/s0007114513000548.


Can Back Pain Be Hereditary and Genetic El Paso, Texas?

Can Back Pain Be Hereditary and Genetic El Paso, Texas?

Q: Can back pain be hereditary and run in the family? I’m 24 and have chronic low back pain. But I found out that my mother, grandmother, and brother also have back pain. None of us were diagnosed with any type of spine condition. So I’m wondering if there is a hereditary/gene link or if it’s just a coincidence? El Paso, TX.

A: Back pain is a very common problem, and it is not uncommon that you and family members have back pain. Every year, 13 million people visit a chiropractor for chronic back pain. I can’t say without further study and research of your family whether the chronic low back pain is directly associated with your genes. But there are studies that support the connection between back pain and genetics.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Can Back Pain Be Hereditary and Genetic El Paso, Texas


Back pain caused by a combination of factors

Research in the past was difficult to rule out environmental factors like stress, smoking, and diet as the only cause of back pain. But today, there is evidence that shows genetics do have a role in back pain.

Doctors are finding that chronic back pain does show a significant genetic hereditary link. Specifically the development of low spine degenerative disc disease, which is a disc-related condition associated with normal wear and tear.

In fact, several twin sibling studies and genetic marker studies have researched this connection. Below are a couple of studies that stand out in the correlation between back pain and genetics.


11860 Vista Del Sol The 4 Stages of Degenerative Disc Disease & How Chiropractic Can Help El Paso, TX.

Back Pain & Hereditary Genes Studies

A spinal study, which began in 1991, was a multidisciplinary, multinational research project on the cause of disc degeneration. The most significant findings were that there was a substantial influence of genetic/hereditary influence in lumbar disc degeneration.

It identified the specific genes that are associated with disc degeneration. However, environmental factors, work, sports, injuries, etc are also part of the condition, what the study found is that there is a connection of disc degeneration through genetic influences.

A study on genetics and lumbar disc disease found evidence that back pain could run in families. Specifically, lumbar disc disease could be inherited. The severity of the disease could not be determined or a patients’ response to various treatments. But it does suggest that genetics do play a role. Other findings include:

  • People that have lumbar disc disease were more likely to have family members with the disease.
  • The risk of inheriting the disease increased in both close and distant relatives.
  • Research is still ongoing to identify the exact genes that influence disc degeneration and back pain.

And as you said that you or your family have not been diagnosed with a spine condition,� this could be something to talk to your doctor or chiropractor about, along with creating a back pain treatment plan. For now, you can do physical therapy, chiropractic massage, CrossFit rehabilitation, etc to reduce and prevent back pain. Hopefully, it is a coincidence, but if it is genetics, not to worry as there is a treatment plan for that as well. But do not wait to make an appointment and let the pain get any worse.

Our team has taken great pride in bringing our families and injured patients only clinically proved treatment protocols. �By teaching complete holistic wellness as a lifestyle, we also change not only our patient�s lives but their families as well.� We do this so that we may reach as many El Pasoans who need us, no matter the affordability issues.

How to eliminate Back Pain naturally | (2020) Foot Levelers |El Paso, Tx



NCBI Resources

Lumbar spine disc herniation is a well-known type of injury that often causes impairing low back pain, however, it can also compress the nerve roots in the area and generate radicular pain and other symptoms along the lower extremities, such as altered sensations and muscle weakness.