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Weight Loss Can Reduce Back Pain El Paso, Texas

Weight Loss Can Reduce Back Pain El Paso, Texas

Industrialization/modernization has impacted our food, the way we eat and our weight. Processed fast food can be purchased pretty much anywhere. We no longer expend physical energy to hunt and forage for food. Because of this back pain is probably the most common and most troublesome condition that individuals experience. Eight out of 10 will struggle with back pain at some point in their life. Low chronic back pain can become aggravated by a variety of triggers.

  • Mechanical stress
  • Excessive strain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Poor sleep position
  • No exercise
  • Excessive weight

These can all contribute to making back pain even worse. Obesity is defined as a disease. It is a serious disorder that affects adults and children. Being overweight can contribute to the development of coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon cancer. And it can also contribute to symptoms associated with:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spondylolisthesis

Osteoporosis coupled with a sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet can affect the density and the strength of the bones. When the structural integrity of the spine is compromised there is a higher risk for fracture. Vertebral fractures can be painful and disabling. Those diagnosed with osteoporosis probably have lost between 25% to 30% of bone density.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Weight Lifting and Spine Strengthening El Paso, TX.


Being Overweight Affects the Spine

The spine carries the body’s weight and distributes the weight in an equal manner when resting and during activity. When there is excess weight the spine is forced to compromise which can lead to injuries and structural damage. The area of the spine that is the most vulnerable is the low back or lumbar spine.


Exercise is Important

When we don’t exercise it leads to:

  • Poor flexibility
  • Weak back muscles
  • Weak pelvis
  • Weak thighs

This can increase the lower back’s curve, which causes the pelvis to tilt forward in an unhealthy manner. This is detrimental to proper posture and when our posture weakens, the rest of the body follows.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Weight Loss Can Reduce Back Pain El Paso, Texas

Age Relation

These disorders of the spine might be thought of as the normal aging process. This is true that as we age, the body tissues begin to change and the spine’s disc wear down. But, if you are overweight, chances are you have, or will have pain in the back.


Weight Loss Reduces Back Pain

Weight loss can contribute to a partial or complete reduction in the back pain symptoms. The research between weight loss and back pain is still ongoing but numerous practitioners report cases of patients experiencing a serious reduction in pain after losing the excess weight. Because the extra weight is taken off the spine further stress is avoided. Especially when a chiropractor realigns the vertebral column. According to the American Spine Society, individuals that stay around 10 pounds of their proper weight are those least likely to experience back problems.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Microbiome Influences El Paso, Texas


Back Health and Physical Activity

Chiropractic is one of the most popular treatments for back pain. With chiropractic adjustments, pain is alleviated but also the root cause of the problems is corrected. Spinal adjustments can help even more when combined with a proper diet and weight loss treatment program.

Besides weight loss, exercising and strengthening the core muscles can guarantee the proper distribution of the body�s weight. Stronger muscles, less weight, and better posture will provide amazing long-term benefits. If you want to know how to incorporate weight loss and exercise in your daily routine, speak to your chiropractor. They are ready to guide you along the way. If you aren�t currently seeing a chiropractor, give us a call. We�re here to help!


Chiropractic Weight Loss



NCBI Resources

While chiropractic adjustments and associated therapies can ease back pain symptoms and aid in healing, lifestyle changes like a healthy diet are just as important. The more a patient can get to their ideal weight, the easier it becomes to treat and eliminate the back pain.


Low Back Pain When Sitting, Standing, and Walking El Paso, TX.

Low Back Pain When Sitting, Standing, and Walking El Paso, TX.

Lower back pain is a condition that pretty much affects most of us at some point in our lives. Some find:

  • Sitting
  • Standing
  • Walking

can be painfully difficult or helpful, depending on the position or the activity they’re involved in.

Low back pain varies from person to person, yet there remains no consensus on the optimal way to diagnose and treat patients.

Lower back pain can be caused by a multitude of factors and can be difficult to diagnose the exact cause. However, there is an advanced method of diagnosing and treating individuals with musculoskeletal conditions/injuries.


TENS, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Physical Therapy. Therapist Positioning Electrodes onto Patient’s Lower Back


Successful treatment

Dividing patients with lower back pain into more similar groups based on the same factors that aggravate and alleviate the pain means that a more custom based treatment plan can be created.

The one size fits all method just doesn’t cut it. A more focused approach for every individual leads to better results.

Patients find that placing their bodies in certain positions and certain physical activities can:

  • Activate
  • Aggravate
  • Deactivate their back pain.

Patients also find the pain being either better or worse.

Understanding why sitting, standing, and walking can change the severity of low back pain can be helpful in diagnosis.

These are important cues that help to diagnose and treat low back pain.

People sit, stand, and walk all day. This is why so much research has been conducted on how these specific positions and activities contribute to low back pain.


Spine Anatomy

The alignment of the spinal column, from the skull to the pelvis, is S-shaped.

The cervical and lumbar spinal segments curve towards the front of the body, and so are lordotic,�while the thoracic spine curves towards the back of the body and is kyphotic.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Low Back Pain When Sitting, Standing, and Walking El Paso, TX.


The amount of curvature does not stay in one place and changes based on body position.

Compared to standing, sitting decreases lumbar lordosis by about 50%.

Changes in lumbar lordosis can relieve pain from certain forms of back pain but can aggravate others.


Picture The Spine Bending

Imagine you are holding a garden hose. Holding it vertically in front of you. The hollow part of the tube represents the spinal canal, the part of the hose facing you is the posterior spinal column, and the part of the hose facing away from you is the anterior spinal column.

Bend the hose in half. The hose on the outward-facing side of the curve will stretch out, while the hose on the inward-facing side of the tube will be compressed.

This exercise helps visualize that an object being bent will experience two forces, either:

  1. Compression
  2. Tension

Increasing lumbar curvature will compress the posterior column�and stretch out the anterior column vertebrae and discs.

Decreasing lumbar curvature will�stretch out�the posterior column and�compress�the anterior column. This is the basis of why certain body positions can relieve back pain symptoms for some people and make it worse for others.

  • Prolonged sitting, and especially if poor posture is involved, can cause overstretching of spinal muscles.
  • Arthritis can affect the joints.
  • The facet joints are posterior based structures and can become compressed with increased curvature. When the facet joints are the primary cause of back pain, patients usually find that sitting improves the pain, while standing and walking make it worse.
  • When the discs are the pain generator, sitting seems to aggravate the pain as there is more compression in the tissue.

With certain types of disc herniations, sitting can compress the disc to the point that the herniated tissue starts to press against a nerve root causing radicular pain or pain that radiates out to another area of the body like the legs. In this case, walking seems to alleviate the pain.


Spinal Conditions

Various spinal conditions definitely contribute to back pain and have the same presentations and alleviations.

  • Spinal Stenosis which means the narrowing of the spinal canal. Patients with this type of spine pain improve with leaning forward sitting. This is because the posture increases/opens the size of the canal�and decreases the nerve root compression.
  • Spondylolisthesis is when one vertebra slips forward over the vertebra right underneath. This is more commonly known as a slipped disc. There are various forms of this condition. But the pain occurs immediately when sitting, bending or walking and is usually relieved when standing still or in a neutral position for short periods.
  • Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction comes from the sacroiliac joint becoming inflamed. Pain is usually aggravated when sitting or about to sit. especially when there is added weight on the affected side. This can be difficult to diagnose because of trying to figure out if it’s the hip or low back causing the pain.


Locating the Pain Generator

Sitting, standing, walking low back pain causes are different for everyone. But finding the root cause helps to prescribe the best treatment possible. A chiropractor uses many different techniques to relieve pain. These include:

  • Applied pressure
  • Massage
  • Hands-on manipulation (adjustments)
  • X-rays
  • MRI’s
  • Lab work
  • Health coaching

Chiropractors don�t prescribe medications, but they do recommend therapeutic, rehabilitative exercises and nutritional lifestyle counseling to help the body heal itself.


Low Back Pain Treatment El Paso, Texas



NCBI Resources

A chiropractor sets up treatment approaches based on the individual. This begins with the natural, non-invasive treatments before moving on to more aggressive techniques. And as an added bonus patient�s who have received chiropractic treatment have experienced improvements to their digestive health and have reported better and deeper sleep after a chiropractic visit.


Upper and Mid-Back Pain Causes El Paso, Texas

Upper and Mid-Back Pain Causes El Paso, Texas

To get the best treatment for upper or mid-back back pain, you should understand what may be causing it.

A doctor or chiropractor can help you figure out what is contributing to your back pain, then determine the root cause, and set up a treatment outline. Here are some of the more common causes.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Upper and Mid-Back Pain Causes El Paso, Texas

Improper posture

Poor posture is one of the leading causes of upper back pain because so many people spend their workdays sitting at some station for most if not the entire day. Sitting with a:

  • Rounded back
  • Shoulders hunched forward

Just these two positional behaviors can put massive stress on the back muscles.

Getting into bad habits and not sitting properly, and sitting for so many hours a day is a sure way to bring out some form of body pain.


Not lifting objects properly

When picking something up, you should use proper lifting body mechanics to protect the spine.

Not using proper lifting form can definitely cause injury/s.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Upper and Mid-Back Pain Causes El Paso, Texas


Overloaded backpack/purse

Anyone who uses backpacks and big purses is at risk for upper back injury and consistent pain.

Over-loading backpacks and purses can be dangerous to the spine and shoulders.

Also not wearing the backpack correctly, for example just using one strap causes imbalance, which leads to soreness, and that leads to injury.


11860 Visa Del Sol Ste.128 Properly Carry A Backpack El Paso, TX.

Trauma Accident

Auto accidents, slips, and falls can cause all kinds of injuries including upper back pain.

Fracturing a vertebra or a spinal bone is possible.� When this happens part of the vertebrae presses on a spinal nerve and can cause pain.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Upper and Mid-Back Pain Causes El Paso, Texas



This condition affects the bones, and an individual might not know they have osteoporosis until some type of fracture like a vertebral compression fracture.

It weakens the bones, which can affect how the body supports its weight. This opens the door for fractures.

Weakened vertebrae won’t support the body’s weight correctly, so the muscles, ligaments, and tendons have to work harder.

That leads to:

  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Various injuries




The spine is supposed to curve outwards in the upper back; the curve is called kyphosis or a kyphotic curve.

With problematic kyphosis, the spine begins to curve outward in an exaggerated fashion that can lead to back pain.



Scoliosis causes an unusual curve or curves in the spine. It makes the spine look like the letter “S” or “C” when seen from the back.

Non-Spine Conditions

Upper back pain can develop from other medical conditions that are not related to the spine. For example:

  • Acid reflux
  • Cardiac conditions like angina
  • Ulcer

These conditions can cause individuals to move or contort into awkward positions, and swelling of muscle tissues that radiate into the upper mid-back.


Upper Back Structure

The upper back is the more stable area of the spine compared to the neck and lower back. It does not move as much because part of its main job is to protect the organs in the chest. This works in conjunction with the ribs, that is attached to the mid-back.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Upper and Mid-Back Pain Causes El Paso, Texas


Because it doesn’t move as much, joint and disc problems are not as common. But that does not mean that you can’t get a herniated disc. It’s also less common to have degenerative problems in the upper mid-back.

We want you to live a life that is fulfilled with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight and educated on how to maintain this way of life. I have made a life of taking care of every one of my patients.

I assure you, I will only accept the best for you.

Lower Back Pain Specialist El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Mike Melgoza is a very active person who is always engaging in physical activity, as a result, he occasionally suffers from debilitating back pain symptoms. Mr. Melgoza was struggling to sleep properly due to his symptoms of back pain before receiving chiropractic care with Dr. Jimenez.

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit the doctor or miss work and it is also a leading cause of disability globally. The majority of people have back pain at least once throughout their lifetimes. Luckily, you can take steps to prevent or relieve back pain.

NCBI Resources

Pain in the upper and/or mid-back is not as common as lower back or neck pain. Movement in the upper back is limited because of the attachments to the rib cage.

Upper back pain is generally caused by soft tissue injuries, like sprains or strains, muscle tension, bad posture, or looking downward for extended periods like texting, over phone use.


What Patients of Chiropractic Want To Know About Text Neck

What Patients of Chiropractic Want To Know About Text Neck

Text neck is a very real condition that is caused by staying in a prolonged �texting� position � hunched shoulders and neck tilted forward. As a result, the back, neck, and shoulder muscles become overworked and your spinal structure is actually changed. Many people who spend a lot of time on their mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, develop this condition (and others including �cellphone elbow� and tendinitis of the wrist and hand) and it can be very painful, even causing mobility problems. More than 95% of Americans have a smartphone or mobile device and most people spend a great deal of time on their devices � it is easy to see how this is a common problem.

What Exactly is Text Neck?

A normal human neck has a slight curve to it that travels along the spine. It is part of the intricate system that supports the head and body. However, a person with text neck will have a straight cervical spine. Their neck will not have that slight curve and that is a problem.

The cause of the absence of the curve is because of the position that the head stays in for such long periods of time. The average adult human head weighs between 10 and 12 pounds. When the head is upright, the neck supports it and the slight curve gives it the stability that it needs.

When you keep your head tilted forward, such as when you are hunched over your smartphone or mobile device, your head is thrust forward instead of sitting over the balanced curve of the cervical spine. The gravitational pull is greatly increased and the neck is already in an unnatural position. This combination places unnatural and damaging stress on your neck. It is like carrying around an additional 60 pounds on your neck.

Symptoms of Text Neck

In the early stages of text neck, a person may feel some tightness in their shoulders, neck, and upper back. This may progress to discomfort in those areas and eventually pain. If left untreated, you can develop pinched nerves and herniated discs.

Your central nervous system begins at the base of your skull, so it extends down your neck and upper back. When you put unnatural pressure on your neck, you are also affecting your nervous system, causing it to malfunction. This can lead to pain throughout your body, stiffness, headaches, low back pain, and problems with your hands and arms.

text neck chiropractic care, el paso, tx.

How to Prevent Text Neck

Text neck is surprisingly easy to prevent. Your first step is awareness. Over two or three days, take some time to be very aware of your body�s position. Carefully examine your posture while you go about all of your daily activities. It is important to remember that text neck is not strictly confined to texting. You can get it any time you have your head bent down for an extended period of time, such as when looking at a laptop screen or even writing for a long time.

The best way to avoid the problem is to keep your devices at eye level. If you have a handheld device, hold it up at the level of your eyes instead of bending your neck to look down. The same goes for your laptop; arrange it so that your screen is at eye level.

Chiropractic for Text Neck

If you are already suffering from the effects of text neck, your chiropractor can help reverse the condition if it hasn�t progressed to disc degeneration (even then he or she can help with associated pain). Regular chiropractic treatments, along with following expert recommendations for screen heights, can help reduce the pain and discomfort. It is smart to address these issues before they become a bigger problem. Your chiropractor can help.

Neck Pain Chiropractic Treatment

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