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Sports Spine Specialist Chiropractic Team: Athletes strive to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and ensuring they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements. Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.

We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles for athletes displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve overall well-being.

Choosing the Right Exercise Ball for an Optimal Workout

Choosing the Right Exercise Ball for an Optimal Workout

For individuals wanting to improve core stability, can using the right size exercise or stability ball help improve workouts and achieve goals?

Get Fit and Improve Your Posture with an Exercise Stability Ball

Exercise Stability Ball

An exercise ball, stability ball, or Swiss ball is a piece of fitness equipment used in gyms, Pilates and yoga studios, and HIIT classes. (American Council on Exercise. 2014) It is inflated with air to supplement bodyweight workouts or improve posture and balance. It can also be used as a chair. They add a core stability challenge to almost any exercise (American Council on Exercise, N.D.) Getting the appropriate exercise ball size and firmness for your body and purpose will ensure an optimal workout.


  • The exercise ball size should be proportional to individual height.
  • Individuals should be able to sit on the ball with their legs at a 90-degree angle or slightly more, but not less.
  • The thighs should be parallel to the ground or angled slightly down.
  • With the feet flat on the floor and the spine straight, not leaning forward, backward, or sideways, the knees should be even with or slightly lower than the hips.

Here is the American Council on Exercise guide when choosing. (American Council on Exercise. 2001)

Height – Ball Size

  • Under 4’6”/137 cm – 30 cm/12 inches
  • 4’6” – 5’0”/137-152 cm – 45 cm/18 inches
  • 5’1”-5’7”/155-170 cm –  55 cm/22 inches
  • 5’8”-6’2”/173-188 cm – 65 cm/26 inches
  • Over 6’2”/188 cm – 75 cm/30 inches

Getting the right exercise ball for weight is also important. Individuals who are heavy for their height may need a larger ball to keep the knees and legs at the correct angle. It is recommended to check the weight rating of the ball, its durability, and its high burst resistance before buying.


Individuals want a little give on the ball’s surface for exercise. When sitting on the exercise stability ball, body weight should create a little seat and provide more stability. More importantly, it allows sitting evenly on the ball, which is essential for exercising with proper spinal alignment. (Rafael F. Escamilla et al., 2016) Inflation is a matter of preference, but the more inflated the ball is, the more difficult it will be to balance the body, whether sitting or in other positions. It is recommended not to over-inflate the ball at the risk of bursting. The ball may require reinflation occasionally, so many are sold with a small pump for this purpose.

Exercises and Stretches

Exercise balls are highly versatile, inexpensive, and easy-to-use workout tools. They are beneficial for improving core strength and stability. Ways to be used include:

  • Active sitting in place of a chair.
  • Stretching on the ball.
  • Balance and stability exercises.
  • Pilates or yoga.
  • Strength workout.
  • Target exercises for core activation and strengthening.

At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we focus on what works for you and strive to create fitness and better the body through research methods and total wellness programs. These natural programs use the body’s ability to achieve improvement goals and athletes can condition themselves to excel in their sport through proper fitness and nutrition. Our providers use an integrated approach to create personalized programs, often including Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles.

Home Exercises For Pain Relief


American Council on Exercise. Sabrena Jo. (2014). Core-strengthening Stability Ball Workout. ACE Fitness® & Healthy Lifestyle Blog.

American Council on Exercise. (N.D.). Exercise Database & Library. Featured Exercises from ACE. Stability Ball. Healthy Living Blog.

American Council on Exercise. (2001). Strengthen your abdominals with stability balls. Healthy Living Blog.

Escamilla, R. F., Lewis, C., Pecson, A., Imamura, R., & Andrews, J. R. (2016). Muscle Activation Among Supine, Prone, and Side Position Exercises With and Without a Swiss Ball. Sports health, 8(4), 372–379.

Exploring Periscapular Bursitis: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Exploring Periscapular Bursitis: Symptoms and Diagnosis

For individuals experiencing shoulder and upper back pain, could periscapular bursitis be a possible cause?

Exploring Periscapular Bursitis: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Periscapular Bursitis

The scapula/shoulder blade is a bone that shifts position with upper body and shoulder movement. The scapula motion is critical to the normal function of the shoulder and the spine. When abnormal or sudden shoulder movements occur, inflammation and pain symptoms can develop. (Augustine H. Conduah et al., 2010)

Normal Scapula Function

The scapula is a triangular bone on the upper back outside the rib cage. Its outer or lateral side contains the shoulder joint socket /glenoid, while the rest of the bone serves as attachment points for the different shoulder and back muscles. The scapula shifts on the rib cage when moving the arm forward and back. This movement is called scapulothoracic motion and is critical to the normal function of the upper extremity and the shoulder joint. When the scapula does not glide in a coordinated motion, the function of the torso and shoulder joints can become stiff and painful. (J. E. Kuhn et al., 1998)

Scapular Bursa

A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that allows smooth, gliding motion between structures, body tissues, bones, and tendons. Bursae are found throughout the body, including those in front of the kneecap, outside the hip, and at the shoulder joint. When a bursa becomes inflamed and irritated, normal movements can become painful. There are bursae around the scapula in the upper back. Two of these bursa sacs are between the bones and the serratus anterior muscle that controls scapular movement on the chest wall. One bursa sac is located on the upper corner of the scapula, close to the spine at the base of the neck, and the other is at the bottom corner of the scapula, close to the mid-back. Either or both bursa sacs can be affected by periscapular bursitis. There are other bursae around the scapula and the surrounding tendons, but the two corner sacs tend to be the primary bursae that develop periscapular bursitis.


When these bursae become inflamed and irritated, swollen, and thickened, the condition known as bursitis results. When bursitis occurs near the scapula, muscle, and shoulder blade movements can lead to discomfort and pain. The most common symptoms of periscapular bursitis include:

  • Snapping with movement
  • Grinding sensations or crepitus
  • Pain
  • Tenderness directly over the bursa (Augustine H. Conduah et al., 2010)
  • Abnormal scapular sensations and movements

An examination of the scapula may display abnormal movements of the shoulder blade. This can lead to winging, where the shoulder blade is not held correctly to the rib cage and protrudes abnormally. Individuals with winging of the scapula typically have abnormal shoulder joint mechanics because the shoulder’s positioning is altered.


The causes of periscapular bursitis can be varied. The most common is overuse syndrome, where a specific activity is causing irritation to the bursa. These can include:

  • Sports-related activities that result from repetitive use.
  • Work-related activities that result from repetitive use.
  • Traumatic injuries that cause inflammation or irritation to the bursa.

Some conditions can cause abnormal anatomy or bone protuberances, irritating the bursa. One condition is a benign bone growth known as an osteochondroma. (Antônio Marcelo Gonçalves de Souza and Rosalvo Zósimo Bispo Júnior 2014) These growths can project off the scapula, leading to irritation and inflammation.


Treatment of periscapular bursitis begins with conservative therapies. Invasive treatments are rarely needed to correct the problem. Treatment can include:


  • The first step is to rest the irritated bursa and settle the inflammation.
  • This can take a few weeks and can be accomplished by modifying physical, sports, or work-related activities.


  • Ice is useful for reducing inflammation and controlling pain.
  • Knowing how to ice an injury properly can help manage the pain and swelling.

Physical Therapy

  • Physical therapy can alleviate the symptoms of inflammation through various exercises and stretches.
  • The therapy can improve scapular mechanics so the injury does not become ongoing and recurrent.
  • Abnormal movement of the scapula on the rib cage can not only lead to the development of bursitis, but if these abnormal mechanics are not addressed, the problem may recur.

Anti-Inflammatory Medications

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are used to control the inflammation in the short term. (Augustine H. Conduah et al., 2010)
  • The medications can help block the inflammatory response.
  • Before taking any medication, individuals should confirm with their healthcare provider that it is safe.

Cortisone Injections

  • Successful treatment with a cortisone shot is a sign that surgery will be more effective for individuals who may need surgery.
  • Cortisone injections can be very helpful in delivering a powerful anti-inflammatory dose directly to the site of inflammation. (Augustine H. Conduah et al., 2010)
  • Cortisone injections should be limited in terms of how many injections are offered to an individual, but in limited doses can be very helpful.
  • However, cortisone shots should only be performed once the diagnosis is confirmed.


  • Surgery is seldom necessary but can be effective in individuals who are unable to find relief with conservative treatments.
  • Surgery is often used for individuals with abnormal scapular anatomy, like bone growths or tumors.

At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we treat injuries and chronic pain syndromes by improving an individual’s ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities. Our chiropractor care plans and clinical services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process. If other treatment is needed, individuals will be referred to a clinic or physician best suited to their injury, condition, and/or ailment.

Scapular Winging in Depth


Conduah, A. H., Baker, C. L., 3rd, & Baker, C. L., Jr (2010). Clinical management of scapulothoracic bursitis and the snapping scapula. Sports health, 2(2), 147–155.

Kuhn, J. E., Plancher, K. D., & Hawkins, R. J. (1998). Symptomatic scapulothoracic crepitus and bursitis. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 6(5), 267–273.

de Souza, A. M., & Bispo Júnior, R. Z. (2014). Osteochondroma: ignore or investigate?. Revista brasileira de ortopedia, 49(6), 555–564.

Overcoming Exercise Fears: Conquer Anxiety and Start Moving

Overcoming Exercise Fears: Conquer Anxiety and Start Moving

“For individuals who want to exercise but have fears or concerns, can understanding what they are scared of help ease their minds?”

Overcoming Exercise Fears: Conquer Anxiety and Start Moving

Overcoming Exercise Fears

One reason for the ongoing weight problem is that individuals don’t move around enough, and one reason individuals don’t exercise is fear (Craig M. Hales et al., 2020). For individuals, physical exertion and moving the body to the point of increased heart rate, heavy breathing, and excessive sweating can cause anxiety and be scary when they haven’t done it in a while or have never worked out. Some anxieties and fears individuals may experience include the following:

Looking Foolish

Anything can happen when exercising. When individuals can’t figure out how a machine works or aren’t sure if they’re doing an exercise correctly, falling off a machine or dropping a weight can cause a feeling of foolishness. Knowing how to use machines and weights takes practice. Ask a gym employee or personal trainer for guidance, as educating individuals on doing exercises correctly and safely is their job. And most individuals working out are happy to help as well.

Experiencing Pain

Some avoid exercise, fearing intense pain. Exercise is not supposed to be painful, but it will cause soreness because individuals use muscles that they haven’t used for a while or at all. For instance, the muscles will experience a slight burning sensation when lifting weights. The body reacts to the workout and adapts to exercise. As the body gets stronger, individuals recognize their body’s response and are able to challenge themselves with heavier weights, longer runs, walks, and workouts. When beginning an exercise program, start slow. Some trainers recommend doing slightly less than an individual thinks they can for the first weeks. This helps to build a habit without the risk of burnout.


When starting an exercise program, individuals can feel changes all over their bodies, like everything is pulling and tearing apart. Individuals who haven’t exercised much may be unable to distinguish between the normal discomfort from exercising for the first time and pain from an injury. Shin splints, side stitches, or other common side effects may develop from beginning an exercise program. Individuals may need to stop exercising, treat the injury, and start again.

  • If there are sharp pains in the joints, tearing in the muscles or ligaments, or anything else that doesn’t feel normal, stop and seek medical attention.

Exercise Mindfulness

  • The body will feel something while exercising, but separating real injury pain from normal sensations is important.
  • Be aware of how the body feels throughout the workout.
  • Follow instructions and pay attention to proper form to minimize the risk of injury.

Proper Footwear

  • Wearing the right workout shoes is a good idea to avoid and prevent injuries.
  • Invest in a quality pair of shoes to give the body the support it needs.

Proper Form

  • If lifting weights, one way to sustain an injury is using incorrect form or posture.
  • If you are unsure how to do the exercises, consult a trainer or gym employee to explain how the machine works.

Warm Up

  • Jumping into a workout without warming up can lead to injuries that can lead to chronic pain conditions.
  • A warm-up specific to the workout is recommended.
  • If walking, start with a moderate walk.
  • If running, start with a brisk walk.
  • If lifting weights, do a little cardiovascular exercise first or a warm-up set with lighter weights.

Workout Within Fitness Levels

  • Injuries happen when trying to do too much too soon.
  • Start with a light program.
  • Work up to more intense and frequent workouts.
  • For example, if only able to walk for 10 minutes, start there and increase gradually.


When it comes to exercise, failure can be experienced in different ways, like losing weight, failing to make it through a workout, being unable to stick to an exercise program, etc. This is part of the process, but individuals can overcome exercise fears through perseverance.

  • Setting the bar too high can become an excuse to quit.
  • A simple way to deal with this is to set a reachable goal.
  • Long-term goals can be set to work toward.
  • Do what you can handle now.

Individuals take risks whenever they do something out of their comfort zone. However, taking risks may be necessary to overcome exercise fears, keep going, and achieve success.

Weight Loss Techniques


Hales CM, C. M., Fryar CD, Ogden CL. (2020). Prevalence of obesity and severe obesity among adults: United States, 2017–2018. NCHS Data Brief, no 360. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved from

Enhance Your Breathing Technique for Optimal Fitness

Enhance Your Breathing Technique for Optimal Fitness

Can improving breathing patterns help further fitness and optimize overall health for individuals who walk for exercise?

Enhance Your Breathing Technique for Optimal Fitness

Improve Breathing and Walking

Exercising is a moment in which breathing can quicken and become labored if not done correctly. There is a proper way to breathe when exercising, especially when walking or speed walking. Breathing incorrectly causes rapid fatigue and exhaustion. Controlling the flow of one’s breath improves endurance and cardiovascular health, and it can also amplify metabolism, mood, and energy levels. (Hsiu-Chin Teng et al., 2018) Known as diaphragmatic breathing, it is used for those with reduced lung capacity, like individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/COPD. The practice improves lung capacity and is a recommended way to help relieve stress.


  • During exercise, the oxygen inhaled converts the calories consumed into energy that fuels the body. This process is referred to as metabolism.
  • When the oxygen supply exceeds the body’s oxygen needs, the body is in an aerobic state. This means there is plenty of oxygen to fuel physical activity/exercise as there are calories to burn.
  • If the oxygen supply falls short of the body’s oxygen needs, the body falls into an anaerobic state.
  • Deprived of oxygen, the body turns to stored fuel in the muscles, known as glycogen.
  • This delivers a powerful burst of energy, but the fuel is quickly spent and fatigue and exhaustion soon follow.
  • Increasing airflow in and out of the lungs can prevent early exhaustion and help the body burn calories more effectively. (Your lungs and exercise. Breathe 2016)

Improved Breathing Benefits

Optimal breathing starts in infancy. When a baby breathes, their belly rises and falls. This facilitates respiration by pushing and pulling the diaphragm – the muscle that separates the lungs and abdominal cavity. When the baby inhales, the belly extends, pulling the diaphragm downward and allowing the lungs to fill with air. When the baby exhales, the belly draws in, pressing the diaphragm upward and forcing air out. As the body ages and the capacity of the lungs increases, individuals shift from belly-breathing to chest-breathing. Chest breathing involves the chest wall muscles with little use of the diaphragm. Chest breathing usually provides enough air for everyday activity but does not fill the lungs.

This is why individuals resort to mouth-breathing or gasping when the oxygen supply is limited. Even those in decent physical shape may be inadvertently undermining efforts by sucking in their stomach to look thinner, depriving themselves of complete inhalations and exhalations. To overcome this, individuals need to re-train their bodies to activate the abdominal muscles when walking. Belly or diaphragmatic breathing can extend the duration of exercise while strengthening the core muscles. (Nelson, Nicole 2012) By increasing core stability, individuals can better support the spine and maintain a healthy posture when walking. This stabilizes the hips, knees, upper back, and shoulders, making the body less prone to strain, instability, and fatigue from unhealthy posture. (Tomas K. Tong et al., 2014)

Breathing Correctly

The inhalation draws the belly out, pulls the diaphragm down, and inflates the lungs. Simultaneously, it extends the ribcage and lengthens the lower spine. This forces the shoulders and collarbone backward, further opening the chest. Exhaling does the reverse.


Start by inhaling and exhaling through the nose, ensuring that the inhalation duration matches the exhalation duration. When picking up the pace, individuals can resort to mouth-breathing, maintaining the same inhalation/exhalation rhythm. At no time should breathing be held in. Learning diaphragmatic breathing takes time, but the following steps can be a starting point:

  • Inhale by inflating the belly fully on a count of five.
  • Allow the lungs to fill, drawing the shoulders back as this happens.
  • Exhale by pulling the belly button toward the spine on a count of five.
  • Use the diaphragm to press the air out of the lungs, keeping the spine erect.
  • Repeat.

If unable to maintain a count of five, individuals can shorten the count or slow the pace of the walk. Individuals in good shape may be able to extend the count. Initially, diaphragmatic breathing may not come naturally, but it will become automatic with practice. Stop and place the hands over the head if short of breath when walking. Breathe in and out deeply and evenly until breathing returns to normal.

Unlocking Wellness


Teng, H. C., Yeh, M. L., & Wang, M. H. (2018). Walking with controlled breathing improves exercise tolerance, anxiety, and quality of life in heart failure patients: A randomized controlled trial. European journal of cardiovascular nursing, 17(8), 717–727.

Your lungs and exercise. (2016). Breathe (Sheffield, England), 12(1), 97–100.

Tong, T. K., Wu, S., Nie, J., Baker, J. S., & Lin, H. (2014). The occurrence of core muscle fatigue during high-intensity running exercise and its limitation to performance: the role of respiratory work. Journal of sports science & medicine, 13(2), 244–251.

Nelson, Nicole MS, LMT. (2012). Diaphragmatic Breathing: The Foundation of Core Stability. Strength and Conditioning Journal 34(5):p 34-40, October 2012. | DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0b013e31826ddc07

The Importance of Nonsurgical Treatments for Reducing Joint Hypermobilitys

The Importance of Nonsurgical Treatments for Reducing Joint Hypermobilitys

Can individuals with joint hypermobility find relief through nonsurgical treatments in reducing pain and restoring body mobility?


When a person moves their body, the surrounding muscles, joints, and ligaments are incorporated into various tasks that allow them to stretch and be flexible without pain or discomfort. Many repetitive motions enable the individual to continue their routine. However, when the joints, muscles, and ligaments are stretched farther than normal in the upper and lower extremities without pain, it is known as joint hypermobility. This connective tissue disorder can correlate with other symptoms that affect the body and cause many people to seek treatment to manage joint hypermobility symptoms. In today’s article, we will look at joint hypermobility and how various non-surgical treatments can help reduce pain caused by joint hypermobility and restore body mobility. We talk with certified medical providers who consolidate our patients’ information to assess how their pain may be associated with joint hypermobility. We also inform and guide patients on how integrating various non-surgical treatments can help improve joint function while managing the associated symptoms. We encourage our patients to ask their associated medical providers intricate and insightful questions about incorporating non-surgical therapies as part of their routine to reduce pain and discomfort from joint hypermobility. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., includes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


What Is Joint Hypermobility?

Do you often feel your joints locked up in your hands, wrists, knees, and elbows? Do you experience pain and fatigue in your joints when your body feels constantly tired? Or when you stretch your extremities, do they extend farther than usual to feel the relief? Many of these various scenarios are often correlated with individuals experiencing joint hypermobility. Joint hypermobility is an inherited disorder with autosomal dominant patterns that characterize joint hyperlaxity and musculoskeletal pain within the body extremities. (Carbonell-Bobadilla et al., 2020) This connective tissue condition is often related to the flexibility of the connected tissues like ligaments and tendons in the body. An example would be if a person’s thumb is touching their inner forearm without feeling pain or discomfort, they have joint hypermobility. Additionally, many individuals dealing with joint hypermobility will often have a difficult diagnosis as they will develop skin and tissue fragility over time, causing musculoskeletal complications. (Tofts et al., 2023)



When individuals deal with joint hypermobility over time, many often have symptomatic joint hypermobility. They will present with musculoskeletal and systemic symptoms that lead to displaying skeletal deformities, tissue and skin fragility, and structural differences in the body’s system. (Nicholson et al., 2022) Some of the symptoms that joint hypermobility are shown in a diagnosis include:

  • Muscle pain and joint stiffness
  • Clicking joints
  • Fatigue
  • Digestive issues
  • Balance issues

Luckily, there are various treatments that many people can use to help restrengthen the surrounding muscles around the joints and reduce the correlating symptoms caused by joint hypermobility. 

Movement As Medicine-Video

Nonsurgical Treatments For Joint Hypermobility

When dealing with joint hypermobility, many individuals need to seek treatments to reduce the correlating pain-like symptoms of joint hypermobility and help relieve the body’s extremities while restoring mobility. Some excellent treatments for joint hypermobility are non-surgical therapies that are non-invasive, gentle on the joints and muscles, and cost-effective. Various non-surgical treatments can be customized for the individual depending on how severe their joint hypermobility and comorbidities affect the person’s body. Non-surgical treatments can relieve the body from joint hypermobility by treating the causes of the pain through reduction and maximizing functional capacity and restoring a person’s quality of life. (Atwell et al., 2021) The three non-surgical treatments that are excellent for reducing pain from joint hypermobility and helping strengthen the surrounding muscles are below.


Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care utilizes spinal manipulation and helps restore joint mobility in the body to reduce the effects of joint hypermobility by stabilizing the affected joints from the hypermobile extremities. (Boudreau et al., 2020) Chiropractors incorporate mechanical and manual manipulation and various techniques to help many individuals improve their posture by being more mindful of their bodies and work with multiple other therapies to emphasize controlled movements. With other comorbidities associated with joint hypermobility, like back and neck pain, chiropractic care can reduce these comorbidity symptoms and allow the individual to regain their quality of life.



Another non-surgical treatment that many individuals can incorporate to reduce joint hypermobility and its comorbidities is acupuncture. Acupuncture utilizes small, thin, solid needles that acupuncturists use to block pain receptors and restore the body’s energy flow. When many individuals are dealing with joint hypermobility, their extremities in the legs, hands, and feet are in pain over time, which can cause the body to be unstable. What acupuncture does is help reduce the pain caused by joint hypermobility associated with the extremities and restore balance and functionality to the body (Luan et al., 2023). This means that if a person is dealing with stiffness and muscle pain from joint hypermobility, acupuncture can help rewire the pain by placing the needles in the body’s acupoints to provide relief. 


Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is the last non-surgical treatment many people can incorporate into their daily routine. Physical therapy can help manage joint hypermobility that are tailored to help strengthen weak muscles that are surrounding the affected joints, improving a person’s stability and helping reduce the risk of dislocation. Additionally, many individuals can use low-impact exercise to ensure optimal motor control when doing regular exercises without putting excessive strain on the joints. (Russek et al., 2022)



By incorporating these three non-surgical treatments as part of a customized treatment for joint hypermobility, many individuals will begin to feel a difference in their balance. They will not experience joint pain by being more mindful of the body and incorporating small changes in their routine. Even though living with joint hypermobility can be a challenge for many individuals, by integrating and utilizing the right combination of non-surgical treatments, many can begin to lead active and fulfilling lives.


Atwell, K., Michael, W., Dubey, J., James, S., Martonffy, A., Anderson, S., Rudin, N., & Schrager, S. (2021). Diagnosis and Management of Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders in Primary Care. J Am Board Fam Med, 34(4), 838-848.

Boudreau, P. A., Steiman, I., & Mior, S. (2020). Clinical management of benign joint hypermobility syndrome: a case series. J Can Chiropr Assoc, 64(1), 43-54.

Carbonell-Bobadilla, N., Rodriguez-Alvarez, A. A., Rojas-Garcia, G., Barragan-Garfias, J. A., Orrantia-Vertiz, M., & Rodriguez-Romo, R. (2020). [Joint hypermobility syndrome]. Acta Ortop Mex, 34(6), 441-449. (Sindrome de hipermovilidad articular.)

Luan, L., Zhu, M., Adams, R., Witchalls, J., Pranata, A., & Han, J. (2023). Effects of acupuncture or similar needling therapy on pain, proprioception, balance, and self-reported function in individuals with chronic ankle instability: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Complement Ther Med, 77, 102983.

Nicholson, L. L., Simmonds, J., Pacey, V., De Wandele, I., Rombaut, L., Williams, C. M., & Chan, C. (2022). International Perspectives on Joint Hypermobility: A Synthesis of Current Science to Guide Clinical and Research Directions. J Clin Rheumatol, 28(6), 314-320.

Russek, L. N., Block, N. P., Byrne, E., Chalela, S., Chan, C., Comerford, M., Frost, N., Hennessey, S., McCarthy, A., Nicholson, L. L., Parry, J., Simmonds, J., Stott, P. J., Thomas, L., Treleaven, J., Wagner, W., & Hakim, A. (2022). Presentation and physical therapy management of upper cervical instability in patients with symptomatic generalized joint hypermobility: International expert consensus recommendations. Front Med (Lausanne), 9, 1072764.

Tofts, L. J., Simmonds, J., Schwartz, S. B., Richheimer, R. M., O’Connor, C., Elias, E., Engelbert, R., Cleary, K., Tinkle, B. T., Kline, A. D., Hakim, A. J., van Rossum, M. A. J., & Pacey, V. (2023). Pediatric joint hypermobility: a diagnostic framework and narrative review. Orphanet J Rare Dis, 18(1), 104.


The Role of Decompression Therapy in Restoring Spinal Disc Height

The Role of Decompression Therapy in Restoring Spinal Disc Height

Can individuals with spinal pain in their necks and back utilize decompression therapy to restore spinal disc height and find relief?


Many people don’t realize that as the body gets older, so does the spine. The spine is part of the musculoskeletal system that provides structural support to the body by keeping it upright. The surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tissues surrounding the spine help with stability and mobility, while the spinal disc and joints provide shock absorption from the sheer vertical weight. When a person is on the move with their daily activities, the spine can allow the individual to be mobile without pain or discomfort. However, as time passes, the spine goes through degenerative changes that can cause pain and discomfort to the body, thus leaving the individual to deal with overlapping risk profiles that can affect their neck and back. To that point, many people seek out treatments to reduce the pain affecting their spine and restore the disc height in their bodies. Today’s article looks at how spinal pain affects a person’s neck and back and how treatments like spinal decompression can reduce spinal pain and restore disc height. We talk with certified medical providers who consolidate our patients’ information to assess how spinal pain can significantly impact a person’s well-being and quality of life in their bodies. We also inform and guide patients on how integrating spinal decompression can help reduce spinal pain and restore spinal disc height. We encourage our patients to ask their associated medical providers intricate and important questions about incorporating non-surgical treatments into a health and wellness routine to relieve spinal pain and regain their quality of life. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., includes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


How Spinal Pain Affects A Person’s Neck & Back

Do you feel constant muscle aches and pains in your neck and back? Have you experienced stiffness and limited mobility when you are twisting and turning? Or do heavy objects cause muscle strain when moving from one location to another? Many individuals will be on the move and be in weird positions without feeling pain and discomfort when it comes to the spine. This is due to the surrounding muscles and tissues being stretched and the spinal discs taking on the vertical pressure on the spine. However, when environmental factors, traumatic injuries, or natural aging start to affect the spine, it can lead to the development of spinal pain. This is because the outer portion of the spinal disc is intact, and the inner portion of the disc is being affected. When abnormal stresses start to reduce the water intake within the disc, it can internally stimulate the pain receptors without nerve root symptoms inside the disc. (Zhang et al., 2009) This causes many individuals to deal with neck and back pain in their bodies and reduces their quality of life. 



Spinal pain can lead to overlapping risk profiles that cause many individuals to deal with severe low back pain and neck pain, which then causes the surrounding muscles to become weak, tight, and overstretched. At the same time, the surrounding nerve roots are also affected as the nerve fibers surround the outer and inner parts of the spinal disc, which causes nociceptive pain properties to the neck and back region and leads to discogenic pain. (Coppes et al., 1997) When many individuals are dealing with muscle pain correlated with the spinal discs, it causes a pain-spasm-pain cycle that can affect their bodies due to not moving enough and causing painful muscular activities when trying to be mobile. (Roland, 1986) When a person has limited mobility cause they are experiencing spinal pain, their natural disc height slowly degenerates, causing more issues to their bodies and socioeconomic burdens. Fortunately, when many individuals are dealing with spinal pain, numerous treatments can reduce spinal pain and restore their disc height.


Movement Medicine- Video

How Spinal Decompression Reduces Spinal Pain

When people are seeking treatments for their spinal pain, many will seek surgical treatments to reduce their pain, but it will be a bit pricey. However, many individuals will opt for non-surgical treatments due to their affordability. Non-surgical treatments are cost-effective and customizable to a person’s pain and discomfort. From chiropractic care to acupuncture, depending on the severity of the person’s pain, many will find the relief they seek. One of the most innovative treatments for reducing spinal pain is spinal decompression. Spinal decompression allows the individual to be strapped into a traction table. This is because it gently pulls on the spine to realign the spinal disc by reducing the pressure on the spine to invoke the body’s natural healing process to relieve pain. (Ramos & Martin, 1994) Additionally, when many individuals are using spinal decompression, the gentle traction provides a motorized distraction to the spine that may induce physical changes to the spinal disc and help restore a person’s range of motion, flexibility, and mobility. (Amjad et al., 2022)


Spinal Decompression Restoring Spinal Disc Height


When a person is being strapped into the spinal decompression machine, the gentle traction helps the spinal disc return to the spine, allowing the fluids and nutrients to rehydrate the spine, increasing the spine’s disc height. This is because spinal decompression creates negative pressure on the spine, allowing the spinal disc to return to its original height and providing relief. Plus, the amazing thing that spinal decompression does is that it can be combined with physical therapy to help stretch and strengthen the surrounding muscles near the spine to provide more stability and flexibility. (Vanti et al., 2023) This allows the individual to be more mindful of their bodies and start incorporating small habit changes to reduce the pain from returning. When many people begin to think about their health and wellness by going to treatment, they will regain their quality of life and get back to their daily routine without the issues affecting their spine. 


Amjad, F., Mohseni-Bandpei, M. A., Gilani, S. A., Ahmad, A., & Hanif, A. (2022). Effects of non-surgical decompression therapy in addition to routine physical therapy on pain, range of motion, endurance, functional disability and quality of life versus routine physical therapy alone in patients with lumbar radiculopathy; a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 23(1), 255.

Coppes, M. H., Marani, E., Thomeer, R. T., & Groen, G. J. (1997). Innervation of “painful” lumbar discs. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 22(20), 2342-2349; discussion 2349-2350.

Ramos, G., & Martin, W. (1994). Effects of vertebral axial decompression on intradiscal pressure. J Neurosurg, 81(3), 350-353.

Roland, M. O. (1986). A critical review of the evidence for a pain-spasm-pain cycle in spinal disorders. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 1(2), 102-109.

Vanti, C., Saccardo, K., Panizzolo, A., Turone, L., Guccione, A. A., & Pillastrini, P. (2023). The effects of the addition of mechanical traction to physical therapy on low back pain? A systematic review with meta-analysis. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 57(1), 3-16.

Zhang, Y. G., Guo, T. M., Guo, X., & Wu, S. X. (2009). Clinical diagnosis for discogenic low back pain. Int J Biol Sci, 5(7), 647-658.


The Power of Sports for Fitness: Boost Your Health and Wellness

The Power of Sports for Fitness: Boost Your Health and Wellness

Can participating in a favorite sport several days a week help individuals trying to get fit or maintain a certain level of health?

The Power of Sports for Fitness: Boost Your Health and Wellness

Sports For Fitness

Spending hours in the gym can sometimes feel like a chore, especially for individuals who prefer competitive or recreational sports over traditional cardiovascular and resistance training. Various sports activities require only time, energy, sufficient apparel, and the willingness to play. Here are a few sports for fitness that can help improve overall health and wellness.

Cycling and Mountain Biking

Cycling is one of the best sports for fitness. Whether on roads or trails, fast or slow, it is a fantastic aerobic workout and benefits the leg muscles, specifically the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Research has shown that, especially for those with diabetes, cycling can lower the risk of premature mortality. (Mathias Ried-Larsen et al., 2021)

  • There are appropriate bikes for all ages and stages.
  • Beginners start with paved trails.
  • Intermediate to advanced levels can engage in road cycling and mountain biking.
  • Road or mountain bike races for individuals looking to compete.

Racket Sports

Racket sports players range from all ages and fitness levels, entry-level to highly competitive, and all provide intense workouts.

  • Racket sports target the muscles in the back, shoulders, arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core.
  • Racquet sports have also been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality. (Pekka Oja et al., 2017)
  • Combine that with the endurance, speed, balance, and agility required to compete, and individuals will quickly see how these two sports can give a phenomenal workout while also burning a ton of calories.


For golf to be a fitness sport, individuals must walk all the holes while carrying or pushing the clubs.

  • What is needed is a supportive pair of shoes.
  • Walking the course can have multiple health benefits, including cardiovascular and respiratory health. (A. D. Murray et al., 2017)
  • Golf is a sport individuals can participate in at any life stage.

Water Sports

Paddleboarding, rowing, kayaking, and canoeing can provide a fitness solution for individuals who enjoy the outdoors. These sports increase heart rate, improve muscular endurance and strength, and burn serious calories. (Thomas Ian Gee et al., 2016)


Activities that require upper and lower body muscles to work together rank high in sports for fitness. Swimming is the perfect full-body workout for anyone looking for an intense and competitive outlet that requires strength and endurance.

  • It is a sport or activity that is gentle on the joints. (Grace H. Lo et al., 2020)
  • Swimming can be a year-round sport with various levels of competition.

Triathlon Training

Triathlon training is for lifelong athletes looking to improve endurance and strength and exercise beginners who need a goal; it is the ultimate sport for fitness.

  • Running, biking, and swimming together challenges every muscle and significantly increases aerobic and anaerobic fitness. (Naroa Etxebarria et al., 2019)
  • There’s something for every fitness level, from short sprint competitions to full Ironman events.

Basketball and Volleyball

Basketball and volleyball offer the physical benefits of a hard workout. These sports require sprinting, pivoting, and jumping, which engages the cardiovascular system and strengthens every muscle. Playing volleyball in the sand makes the muscles work harder.

  • Both sports are appropriate for most levels of fitness.
  • Beginners are recommended to learn the basic skills and go through drills before moving to games or matches.
  • Both sports require constant movement, increasing the risk of injury, so it is important to learn the fundamentals.

Talk to a healthcare provider before starting a new exercise routine or adding a new activity to an exercise regimen.

Lumbar Sports Injuries


Ried-Larsen, M., Rasmussen, M. G., Blond, K., Overvad, T. F., Overvad, K., Steindorf, K., Katzke, V., Andersen, J. L. M., Petersen, K. E. N., Aune, D., Tsilidis, K. K., Heath, A. K., Papier, K., Panico, S., Masala, G., Pala, V., Weiderpass, E., Freisling, H., Bergmann, M. M., Verschuren, W. M. M., … Grøntved, A. (2021). Association of Cycling With All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Among Persons With Diabetes: The European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study. JAMA internal medicine, 181(9), 1196–1205.

Oja, P., Kelly, P., Pedisic, Z., Titze, S., Bauman, A., Foster, C., Hamer, M., Hillsdon, M., & Stamatakis, E. (2017). Associations of specific types of sports and exercise with all-cause and cardiovascular-disease mortality: a cohort study of 80 306 British adults. British journal of sports medicine, 51(10), 812–817.

Murray, A. D., Daines, L., Archibald, D., Hawkes, R. A., Schiphorst, C., Kelly, P., Grant, L., & Mutrie, N. (2017). The relationships between golf and health: a scoping review. British journal of sports medicine, 51(1), 12–19.

Ian Gee, T., Caplan, N., Christian Gibbon, K., Howatson, G., & Grant Thompson, K. (2016). Investigating the Effects of Typical Rowing Strength Training Practices on Strength and Power Development and 2,000 m Rowing Performance. Journal of human kinetics, 50, 167–177.

Lo, G. H., Ikpeama, U. E., Driban, J. B., Kriska, A. M., McAlindon, T. E., Petersen, N. J., Storti, K. L., Eaton, C. B., Hochberg, M. C., Jackson, R. D., Kwoh, C. K., Nevitt, M. C., & Suarez-Almazor, M. E. (2020). Evidence that Swimming May Be Protective of Knee Osteoarthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation, 12(6), 529–537.

Etxebarria, N., Mujika, I., & Pyne, D. B. (2019). Training and Competition Readiness in Triathlon. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 7(5), 101.